He came from a wealthy family MENANDER Born in 342 B.C. in Athens Died in 291 B.C. in Athens He came from a wealthy family
P L A Y S In 316 B.C. , when he was 20 years old , he wrote his first play [The Self Tormentor], which got the 1st prize
He wrote more than 100 comedies P L A Y S He wrote more than 100 comedies He got 1st prize 8 times
Only one of his plays survived: Dyskolos
both were influenced by P L A Y S Plautus and Terence both were influenced by Menander
Menander admired Euripides P L A Y S
CHARACTERISTICS His genre: Athenian New Comedy His stories were credible His characters were realistic He used contemporary dialect He used tragic elements His subjects were from everyday life Most common themes of his plays: young boys in love with young girls, parental attention, etc CHARACTERISTICS
D E A T H Rumors about his death said that : He drowned while bathing He threw himself into the harbor of the Piraeus where he was drowned