By: Lamont Fulwood For: Professor Dr. Warner MAT-154-BA
I first found a small group of mothers and asked them do they think it is okay to spank their kids when they are misbehaving?
11 of the mothers said it is okay 3 of the mothers said it is not okay The small group of mothers that I found I randomly selected 14 of them to participate in this survey. 11 of the mothers said it is okay 3 of the mothers said it is not okay
78.57% Mothers Said Okay 21.43% Mothers Said No When I calculate the percentage of mothers who agrees with spanking their kids and who does not agree the figures show 78.57% Mothers Said Okay 21.43% Mothers Said No
P-Hat is .79 and Q-Hat is .21
Confidence Level 90% Za \ 2 = 1.645
Margin of error chosen: N= 499 computed using formula
I decided to use a sample size of 500 people via internet (Face Book, Twitter, and LinkedIn to get a better view on the thoughts of a bigger body of the community.
When I did the survey the data that came back were. 438 People Agreed 62 People Disagreed
P-Hat & Q-Hat 87.6% Said They Agree 12.4% Said They Disagree
This means that the probability that a mother will spank her kids is: 85.2% < p < 90%
THE END What are your thoughts on: Do you think it is okay to spank your kids if they were misbehaving?