Chapter 12 Services and Settlements Key Issue 4B
Key Issue 4(B) Why Do Services Cluster in URBAN Settlements?
Know These Words! city city-state urban urbanization social heterogeinity
Urban Settlements there have been major urban settlements since ancient times urban settlements are distinguished from rural settlements by the concentration of consumer services and by the range of public services offered
Why Do Services Cluster in Earliest Urban Settlements earliest urban settlements were probably in the Fertile Crescent of Southwest Asia and North Africa among the oldest is Ur in Mesopotamia
Urbanization ancient urban settlements were s first established in eastern Mediterranean about 2,500 B.C Knossos (Crete) Troy (Turkey) Mycenae (Greece) these settlements were primarily trading centers, then organized into city-states- independent self-governing communities that included the settlement and nearby countryside. Athens (largest city-state in Greece) Rome
Largest Prehistoric Urban Settlements
Medieval Urban Settlements dense network of small market towns serving the needs of particular lords covered much of Europe largest medieval European settlements served as power centers for the lords, church leaders, and as major market centers tallest and most elaborate structures were usually churches usually surrounded by walls
Current Urbanization Trends cities are rapidly growing- about 54% of global population aspects of urbanization: an increase in the of people living in urban settlements an increase in the of people living in urban settlements. MDCs: ¾ of population is urbanized LDCs: ⅖ of population is urbanized NOTE! social heterogeneity is DECREASED in cities Developing countries have 8 of the 10 most populous cities.