Welcome to Mrs. Milazzo’s 1st Grade Classroom Room 152E We are Respectful! We are Responsible! We are Safe!
About Mrs. Milazzo Earned my degree from Eastern Illinois! 14th year in District 161- Taught 5th grade for 12 years and this is my 2nd year teaching 1st grade! I love it!!! My husband and I have three beautiful little girls. Nicolette is 9 years old, Angelina is 6 ½ years old, and Giuliana is 4 ½ years old).
Specials Schedule Music PE Art Computers Library Monday Tuesday PE Everyday of the Week! Art Every other Monday Computers Thursday Library Wednesday
Water bottles but no juice Snack Time Every morning 1 healthy snack Water bottles but no juice
Behavior Clip it! Behavior Each student has a clothes pin with his or her name on it. Everyone will start on green at the beginning of each day, and clips can be moved up and down throughout the day based on behavior. Different Levels consist of: Outstanding- reward of 3 tickets Great Job- reward of 2 tickets We’re having a Good Day- 1 ticket Ready to Learn- everyone starts here Think About It- warning Teacher’s Choice- lose minutes off of “free time” Parent Contact- parent phone call
Behavior We will be working together to fill up a jar of marbles. Students earn marbles by playing the Teacher vs. Student’s game. If students have the most tallies at the end of the day, they will earn a marble. We will also set goals on how many marbles the students will earn to get to the specific reward they want. When they reach their goal with the marbles in the jar, students will then get to enjoy their reward. .
Positive Rewards Daily Classroom Tickets Positive notes sent home Quarterly phone call home Marble Jar Eagle tickets (purchase items at the Eagle’s Nest) “Clip up” on behavior chart
Star Student Weekly chosen student Take home poster- return completed poster after weekend Daily activities: Monday- Share poster Tuesday- Show and Tell Wednesday- Photos Thursday- Favorite Book Friday- Friend for the day
1st Grade Curriculum
Spelling Short Vowels, long vowels, blends, etc… Monday pre-test Friday post-test Weekly practice Challenge Words- Begins September 17th
Reading Journeys Reading Series Reading test at the end of each theme Focus on sequencing, plot, character, setting, main idea, comprehension, and vocabulary… Guided reading groups and differentiation in RTI levels
Language and Writing Sentences, nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Journals, letter writing, paragraphs, and a report.
Math Math Series: GO MATH Number sense, addition, subtraction, geometry, time, measurement Chapter tests and unit tests Mastering math facts (Rockets!)
Science StemScopes- Hands-On activities- focuses on Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science Effort Grade 1st and 2nd quarter Letter grade/Effort grade 3rd and 4th Quarter
Social Studies Focus is over families, neighborhoods, map skills, famous Americans, and our country. Discussions, Written activities, and projects Effort Grade 1st and 2nd quarter Letter grade/Effort grade 3rd and 4th Quarter
Common Sense We recently started a new Internet Safety Curriculum called Common Sense Media. This program focuses on teaching students to make safe, smart, and ethical decisions online. Weekly there will be a family note for the topic covered each week. For more information about Common Sense Media visit the following web page: https://www.commonsense.org/education/
Assessments Formative: These types of assessments help to guide classroom instruction. Results/Grades from formative assessments will help you see if your child is grasping skills taught in class. Examples: Classwork, Homework, Mid-Chapter Check Points, Etc.. 25% of final grade Summative: Summative assessments are a culminating chapter tests, high frequency words test, theme tests, story quizzes, etc. that is given and graded before moving on to a new skill. 75% of final grade
Assessments Continued.. Reassessments for summative scores receiving a D or F Reassessments for summative scores receiving an A, B, or C 50%-100% Scale Behaviors removed See Comments Steps for Reassessments If a D or F was received, the original test will come home with a slip attached communicating that there will be a retake. The teacher will reteach specific material with student and give retake when the student has a more clear understanding. There will only be ONE retake given within ONE week of the original test. If an A,B, or C was received and your child wants to retest, they may do so once per quarter/per subject. This type of retest request must come in writing from the parent. Request must be written on original assessment and returned to school. The most recent score will be recorded.
Homework Three- Four times per week Maximum of 10-20 minutes Same “type” of homework given daily: Monday- Reading practice- Book sent home to read story for the week Tuesday- Math practice Wednesday- Language or Spelling practice Thursday- Study for spelling test Friday- No homework
Other Items MAP NWEA Testing Scholastic Book Orders Class T-Shirts Sign up for Parent- Teacher Conferences Sign student handbook, student table, internet safety papers (on back table) Volunteers (Halloween Party, Winter Party Valentine Party)- email Classroom Volunteers- Pumpkin Carving, Gingerbread Houses, Cinco de Mayo (notes sent home)
Email at kmilazzo@summithill.org Contact Information Email at kmilazzo@summithill.org Phone call 815-464-2034 Note to school Class website
Thank you for your time and support Thank you for your time and support! Please do not hesitate at any time to contact me if you feel it is necessary. I am here to work together with you and am looking forward to a successful year! Sincerely, Mrs. Milazzo