Get a drink and go to the restroom BEFORE class begins. Open your binder to receive papers. Need volunteer(s) to pass out papers.
Learning target: I can write my name both phonetically and hieroglyphically.
Symbol: an image that represents an idea or thought or feeling.
Hieroglyphic: a system of writing that uses picture symbols to represent sound.
Ushabtis (also known as shabtis) were placed in tombs and were intended to act as substitutes for the deceased, The shabti could he/she be called upon to do manual labor in the afterlife.
It is thought by some that the term ushabti meant "follower" or "answerer" in Ancient Egyptian, because the figurine "answered" for the deceased person and performed all the routine chores of daily life for its master.
Long and Short Vowels ă = tăp ā = āpe ĕ = bĕt ē = ēat ĭ = sĭt ī = īce ŏ = hŏt ō = ōwn ŭ = ŭp ū = ūse Terri = tĕrē Stone = stōn Billy = bĭlē Deskin = dĕskĭn
Today you will make a cartouche: A cartouche is sort of like an important nameplate. Ancient Egyptians made cartouches for kings, queens, and other high-ranking people in the kingdom. Arrange your hieroglyphs in an up and down manner. When your shabti is returned to you, hang your personal it on your bedroom door!
If (name) be decreed to (job/work), I Shabti, will do it. If Terri be decreed to do the dishes, I Ushabti, will do it.
Put all papers in Field Notes. Tidy up art tray. Stack Field Notes next to art tray. Wait for further directions.