Nickel Risk Assessment The impact on Plating Activities To what level of operation will this impact on the business of Nickel Plating Dr Paul Lansdell Institute of metal Finishing
Nickel Risk Assessment The impact on Plating Activities The effects of the current and proposed legislation on the day to day operation of a Nickel plating facility. Either Rack, Barrel or processes Equally applicable to :- Bright Nickel Semi Bright Nickel Micro porous Nickel Satin Nickel Electroless nickel Dr Paul Lansdell Institute of metal Finishing
Nickel Risk Assessment The impact on Plating Activities Exposure at tank side during plating Lip Extraction Agitation Air or Pumped Splashing during draining Dr Paul Lansdell Institute of metal Finishing
Nickel Risk Assessment The impact on Plating Activities This leads onto the problems associated with keeping the extraction system clean and functioning. With salts precipitating out the cleaning process is laborious, but steam cleaning with the high risk of aerosols is now going to be a significant problem. Dr Paul Lansdell Institute of metal Finishing
Nickel Risk Assessment The impact on Plating Activities Solution make up Handling chemical solids High inhalation of dust risk Weighing out Adding to tank Skin contact when handling chemicals Eco rinse cycle Clean up drag out and use as top up Use liquid additions pH control splashing concerns Dr Paul Lansdell Institute of metal Finishing
Nickel Risk Assessment The impact on Plating Activities Filter maintenance Minimal dust/solids issues High risk of aerosols when venting filter Splash problems when removing or inserting cartridges Cleaning of reusable cartridges will produce more nickel contaminated solution Dr Paul Lansdell Institute of metal Finishing
Nickel Risk Assessment The impact on Plating Activities Pellet additions to cages Aerosol or splash risk during this operation, small but sufficient to warrant review of how this process is carried out. Dr Paul Lansdell Institute of metal Finishing
Nickel Risk Assessment The impact on Plating Activities Anode maintenance Leave bags to drain over tank Beware if they dry out additional dust risk Bag removal is high contact risk if still wet Anode cages once exposed need to be cleaned, if pellets removed difficult to clean and save for re use. Steam clean in cage, high risk of inhalation Splashes and aerosol risk when removing Immersion of bare cage produces handling issues All processes generate contaminated liquid Dr Paul Lansdell Institute of metal Finishing
Nickel Risk Assessment The impact on Plating Activities Tank emptying and refilling Control of discharge Removal of last liquids Clean down prior to entry Return of solution Dr Paul Lansdell Institute of metal Finishing
Nickel Risk Assessment The impact on Plating Activities Tank Top Cleaning Removal of salt build up by any means will pose a risk Steam cleaning Hand brushing Air line Hot water washing Dr Paul Lansdell Institute of metal Finishing
Nickel Risk Assessment The impact on Plating Activities Laboratory Functions Hull cell testing Wet analysis Density checks Dr Paul Lansdell Institute of metal Finishing
Nickel Risk Assessment The impact on Plating Activities Maintenance Even if operators are fully aware of the new issues, the maintenance staff may not be. Make arrangements for all equipment removed for repair are fully cleaned. If working tank side ensure area cleaned prior to work starting. Dr Paul Lansdell Institute of metal Finishing
Nickel Risk Assessment The impact on Plating Activities Spill Handling procedures Remember that once the daily operation and maintenance activities have been considered there is always the unforeseen occurrence that needs dealing with in a safe manner. Dr Paul Lansdell Institute of metal Finishing