Antares Collaboration Eleonora Presani Antares Collaboration – Nikhef – Amsterdam
Concept of Neutrino detector Natural radiator is low cost and allows huge instrumented regions Has very little light scattering. blue light produced by charged particles with v>c/n optical sensors detect the time and charge produced by light 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008
The ANTARES neutrino telescope 60 m 500 m 15 m -2475 m 40 km 900 PMTs 12 lines 25 storeys/line 3 PMTs/storey 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008
Status until 2006 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008 June 1889: L’Institut Michel Pacha Status until 2006 (40 km) Oct. ’01: MEO Cable Dec. ’02: Junction Box Dec. ’06: Line 3 Mar. ’06: Line 1 Mar. ’05: MILOM Sept. ’06: Line 2 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008
Status during 2007 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008 Jan ’07: Lines 4 & 5, Line connection Mar. ’07: Line 6 Apr. ’07: Line 7 Apr./July ’07: MILOM -> IL07 July ’07: Lines 8 & 9 Nov. ’07: Line 10 Dec. ’07: Line connection 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008
Detector Completed! 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008 March-May 2008: Lines 11 & 12, connection 2008 – 2xxx: Lots of physics data! 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008
Other available triggers: Software Trigger Full sky trigger: All data sent to shore through Gb links and filtered looking for directions for light signals compatible with a muon track Other available triggers: 1D Trigger following the Galactic Center GRB Trigger with GRB stellite alert Monopole trigger ... Trigger rate: ̃2-3 Hz (10 Lines) All muons!!! 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008
Background light rate Median counting rate in 10” PMT in Line 1 Proportion of time < rate Median counting rate in 10” PMT in Line 1 March 2006 – May 2008 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008
Effective area & angular resolution ANTARES 12 lines 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008
Time resolution RMS <1 ns On shore laser system RMS <1 ns In sea Optical fibres Laser RMS <1 ns In sea LED beacon system LED beacon 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008
Reconstruction of a muon track Reconstruction with Line1: Algorithm minimizes χ2 of PMT hit time vs. altitude to find zenith angle of m track Online Data filter : Look for local coincidences (trigger hits) within 20ns Ask for ≥ 5 trigger hits Antares preliminary Hit time [ns] Hit altitude (relative to mid detector) [m] Triggered hits Hits used in fit Snapshot hits + Run 21240 Event 13212 Zenith θ = 147o μ 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008
Data taking with the 12lines detector Detector footprint from atmospheric muons Bright muon bundle event ! Neutrino candidate 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008 12
Event Display 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008
Methods for the search of point-like sources Different methods has been developed within ANTARES collaboration for the search for point-like sources: Grid/Cluster ML Ratio EM algorithm Unbinned techniques Binned techniques Signal-like Background-like Signal-like Background-like 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008
Expected Limits for point sources ANTARES 1 yr 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008
Neutrinos? neutrinos! rate [Hz] q d(q ) Earth muon cos q
cosmic micro-wave background What to do with them? Dark Matter Monopoles 15 billion years Life χ Today T = 2.7 K - ν νμ µ γc θc = 42º Galaxy formation Solar system decoupling of cosmic micro-wave background 400,000 years Matter recombination T = 3000 K Indirect detection of WIMPs using neutrino telescopes: Relic WIMPs from the Big Bang traversing the universe undergo multiple elastic interactions with inside a massive celestial object (e.g. the Sun), lose kinetic energy and become gravitationally bound to the object. Over time, the WIMP density in the core of the object increases. This enhances the WIMP annihilation rate significantly, resulting in a neutrino flux with energies up to 400 GeV that will reach the Earth. These neutrinos can interact through a CC interaction in the vicinity of a neutrino telescope, producing an energetic muon. When traversing the transparent medium of the telescope, the muon will emit Cherenkov light. By measuring the time & position of the photons using a 3D grid of PMTs, the neutrino track can be reconstructed. 1 s History of Universe light elements Nucleosynthesis 1 MeV 10-6 s protons, neutrons quark-hadron transition 1 GeV 10-11 s Separation of EM and weak forces Electro-weak phase transition 103 GeV Super-symmetry? 10-35 s Baryogenesis Grand Unification transition 1015 GeV 10-43 s Quantum gravity barrier Big Bang 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008 1019 GeV
before, during and after Gamma-Ray Burst What to do with them? Tau Neutrino Name Baloon Lollipop Inverted Lollipop Sugardaddy (T. DeYoung - IceCube) Double Bang Gamma Ray Bursts Tau Neutrinos nt t All data nt t detector 100111011 100111011 alert x 2–10 nt t m location of GRB Volume save nt t All data before, during and after GRB analysis 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008
Questions??? Conclusions ANTARES is completed! First data are being analyzed and neutrinos are extracted from atmospheric muon background Calibrations ensure an angular resolution at the level of 0.2 degrees > 10 TeV of neutrino energy The systematic errors are already under study Astronomy is a reality in ANTARES!! Questions??? 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008
Backup slides 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008
Cable Fix 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008
Outlook The ANTARES collaboration Detector COMPLETED! Performances of Antares Calibration Trigger and reconstruction First results! Expected limits Conclusions 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008
Amplitude Calibration Example 1: Threshold value in photo electron equivalent units Example 2: Counting rate on single photomultiplier Before calibration After calibration 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008
Detector understanding Water absorption length ±10% variation OM angular acceptance Different parameterisations 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008
Project history 1996 - 2000 Measurements with autonomous lines 3) Optical properties study: 28 deployments Optical background study: 15 deployments 2) Biofouling-sedimentation study: 4 deployments 45 km long EOC developed in 2001 The Junction box, the heart of the array for data and HV distribution, installed in Dec 2002 works perfectly 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008
The angular distribution Data Atmospheric Neutrino Monte Carlo Atmospheric Muon Monte Carlo Multi line fit Single line fit 78 neutrinos 36 neutrinos 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008
GRB Trigger In some cases, data are recorded even before the alert Out of 198 GCN triggers 176 have been handled by Antares DAQ 16 January 2019 Eleonora Presani - NOW2008 M. Spurio- ANTARES 27