An 'awareness raising' campaign in the WBCs C & C HRS4R Art. 32 (H2020) Dr. Irmela BRACH Senior Policy Officer DG RTD B.2 Open Science and ERA Policy
Aim We wish WBCs' institutions to: open a dialogue between research institutions, regional/national officials and researchers recognise the researcher's rights as a professional value the researcher's mobility experience respect the researcher's work-life balance guarantee recruitment transparency enhance attractiveness of WBCs' research institutions demonstrate they care about their Human Resources/researchers propose a stimulating and favourable working environment support actively a change in working culture benefit from enhanced international visibility join a truly pan-European network consisting of researchers and research organisations
Linking Policies and Practices C & C: a vision for research support and development HRS4R: a mechanism to agree objectives to reach that vision article 32: a (supporting & helpful) instruction to implement the above via a best effort obligation Horizon 2020 - Multi-beneficiary Grant Agreement (*) SECTION 4 - other rights and obligations (ALL beneficiaries) Article 32: RECRUITMENT & WORKING CONDITIONS for researchers 32.1 OBLIGATION to take all measures to implement C&C 32.2 CONSEQUENCES of non-compliance * AGA- annotated model grant agreement, version 2.0.1 of 12 May 2015
To date: > 270 HR awarded institutions 2005: Commission Recommendation (C&C) EU Reference framework for rights and obligations of researchers, their employers and funders: European Charter for Researchers Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers 2008: EU Strategy to implement C&C in a voluntary step-wise procedure (HRS4R) support tool, voluntary, light and flexible in its validation and verification approach recognizes the variety of situations across institutions results are meaningful, reliable information, easily available 2014: Article 32 of the H2020 MGA 'best effort' obligation for ALL beneficiaries Endorsement of more than 700 research institutions (40 countries) since then To date: > 270 HR awarded institutions
WHY ??? adds CREDIBILITY – internally and externally, towards researchers, national authorities, funders etc.. adds to the institution’s REPUTATION by becoming part of a growing group of institutions, many of very high international standing contributes to the VISIBILITY of the institutions gives the exclusive right to use the 'HR award' icon The 'HR award' icon is displayed on the adverts published on: EURAXESS Jobs the institution's websites promotional material … along with information about the HR strategy.
Western Balkan Countries xx number of universities Workshop I: FYROM AL ME Workshop II: RS BH XK 23 16 2 1 17 41
Structure of the workshops POLICY – background – aim CHARTER and CODE – principles What is it? What are the principles? Who should implement? HRS4R – implementation tool How to start? How to continue? ARTICLE 32 – evidence – benefits - acknowledgement Where to find? What does it say? What is the legal value?
under the 'rights' section EURAXESS website under the 'rights' section