What are the names of the different types of map below?
What is scale? Why is scale important for examining a map.
National Scale – Great Lakes and South have higher cancer rates – cancer rates spatially associated with distribution of factories
What factors may account for the differences of cancer incidence?
CONSIDER THE MAP The 2016 electoral vote.
CONSIDER THESE MAPS The 2016 electoral vote by county.
Based on these maps, why does the study of scale matter so much for a geographer? What would happen if percentages were used to aggregate data versus using raw numbers?
Data Aggregation– Electoral Maps Aggregation - the size of the unit under investigation such as cities, counties, states, or countries Aggregation can obscure regional disparities within certain territories and doesn’t usually include population density among other measures. Maps created by BIASED people = BIASED information!! Manipulation!!
How Do Maps Lie? Projections: representation of the Earth’s surface (three dimensional) on a two-dimensional flat surface. “all maps lie flat, and all flat maps lie” S.hape A.rea D.istance D.irection All are distorted – most accurate in center Different Lies… 4 types of distortions: - Shape - Area - Distance - Direction from one place to another can be distorted
Map Projection Mercator projection Robinson projection Azimuthal or polar projection Van Der Grinten Dymaxion projection Equal Area projection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVX-PrBRtTY
Map Projection: Mercator All compass bearings (directions) are correct British Empire used it Grossly exaggerates area as you move away from equator (bad with size and shape) EX. Reagan loved exaggerating Soviet Union as threat Unpopular among equatorial countries
Mercator Thumbs down vs. Middle Finger
Map Projection: Robinson Better portrays the relationship between land and water areas in world and does not distort countries at high latitudes nearly as much Golden map for most geographers
Robinson Projection
Azimuthal/Polar Projection Shows true direction and shape Distorts size
Map Projection: Van Der Grinten Portrays Russia and Canada over 200% larger than they actually are
Van Der Grinten Projection
Dymaxion Attempts to show global connections of all humanity rather than disassociated countries and places competing against each other
Map Projection: Mollweide – Equal Area Attempts to preserve the area of map features and avoid high-latitude distortions Excellent with size/shape Bad w/ direction & distance Many international agencies like World Bank – try to depict more accurately relationships between countries, not biasing any one region
Equal Area Projection
What’s Wrong with this map? Galls-Peter Projection (West Wing) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVX-PrBRtTY
Projection Review Which map projection would be best for navigation across the seas because it shows the distance of oceans more accurately? Which map projection shows the continents more accurately? Which map is seen as the golden map for geographers and why?
Contemporary Tools 1. Geographic Information Systems GIS Computer system that can capture, store, query, analyze, and display geographic data Key is GEOCODING = position of any object on Earth can be measured & recorded with mathematical precision & then stored in computer to retrieve a number of stored objects & combine them to form image More efficient than pen and paper
Geographic Information Systems GIS Each type of info can be stored in a layer – create a wide variety of maps by turning on and off different layers Layers can be used to show relationships among different kinds of info
ARC View GIS Food and Environment Atlas: http://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/food-environment-atlas/go-to-the-atlas.aspx#.UkI7JFNc_7k ArcGIS from ESRI, Featured Maps: http://www.arcgis.com/home/gallery.html
Contemporary Tools 2. Remote Sensing – pictures taken from above Earth’s crust (usually in satellites) http://visibleearth.nasa.gov/ http://mashable.com/2013/08/26/space-photos-satellite/#gallery/x-amazing-satellite-images-from-space/5234f9ff12d2cd4bd0002fd5 - Interest in using it environmentally like mapping distribution of urban sprawl and agricultural practices
Contemporary Tools Precise location (mathematical location) 3. GPS (Global Positioning Systems) Precise location (mathematical location) Navigation primary purpose Surveillance Used in GIS
Examining Maps As you examine the various maps, think about the choices the cartographers made and answer the following questions. Why did the cartographer chose the colors or colors used on the map? Why did the cartographer choose the particular symbols used on the map? Is there some form of data that the cartographer chose to place on the map? If so, what is it? Why do you think he/she included the data? Do you find the map useful? What are some of the map’s advantages and limitations?