Rhythm Review 8th Grade
Terms & Concepts Beat: The basic unit of time in music; It usually remains constant. Tempo: The speed of the beat Meter (Time Signature): The pattern of strong and weak beats.
Practice Songs What is the tempo? What is the meter? Clap to the beat Clap the rhythm http://youtu.be/4ZLr1SG8Ig4 https://youtu.be/BUDu64GUT7o http://youtu.be/kLp_Hh6DKWc http://youtu.be/WYs6Tud55Sc
Rhythm Rhythm: The timing of the notes actually played.
Simple Meter Rhythm Syllables (2/4, 3/4, 4/4) Whole Half Quarter Eighth Sixteenth Ta-a-a-a Ta-a Ta Ti(-ti) Ti(-ki-ti-ki)
Compound Meter Rhythm Syllables (3/8, 6/8, 9/8, 12/8) Dotted Half Dotted Quarter Quarter Eighth 1&a 2&a 1 & a 1 & (a) 1 (& a) 1&a 1 & a 1 & a 1&a 1&a 2&a 1 & a 2 & a 1&a2&a
Practice Rhythms Name the meter & say the rhythm