Tweezers: 1-To Hold and carry cotton or Gauze from the Instrument Tray to the oral cavity. 2-To Remove broken fragments of tooth or other foreign material from oral cavity
Explorers: 1-To locate the presence of periodontal pockets and their depth. 2-To detect the presence of dental caries. 3-To locate Sub gingival Calculus. 4-To detect the presence of furcation involvement of dental Caries.
1) Mouth mirror: 1-Indirect vision. 2-Retraction of cheek, Lips and Tongue. 3-Helps to reflect light into specific area of the oral cavity. 4-End of the handle may be used for percussion of teeth.
Definition: The periodontal probe is a slender assessment instrument used to evaluate the health of the periodontal tissues. Function: 1-To measure The Depth OF The Pockets. 2-Gingival Ression.
1-SICKLE SCALERS: A sickle scaler is a periodontal instrument Used to remove calculus deposits from the Crowns of the teeth. Function: 1-Used Primary To Remove Supra gingival Calculus. 2-Some Sickle Scalars Small Curved And Thin Enough To Be Inserted Few mm Below The Gingiva.
1-SICKLE SCALERS: Supra Gingival Scalers
curettes CURETTES ARE OF TWO TYPES: UNIVERSAL. AREA SPECIFIC. Function: 1-Removing deep sub gingival calculus. 2-Root planning
Periodontal Endoscopes: Function: Function: Introduced recently for subgingival use in the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease.
Goal of sharpening: 1.restore sharp cutting edge. 2-remove minimum amount of metal. 3- .maintain original design characteristics.
Advantages of the sharpening: 1-.less time. 2- Easier calculus removal. 3- Improved stroke control. 4- Reduce number of strokes. 5- Increased patient comfort and satisfaction.