NOTES – TEETH: THE BEGINNING OF DIGESTION Parts of Teeth Dentin most of the tooth matrix similar to bone except no living cells
Enamel calcium phosphate hardest substance produced by the body
Pulp Cavity blood vessels & nerves – enter through root foramen (opening) at base of tooth
Other tooth parts/stuff crown, neck, root, gum or GINGIVA
deciduous (baby) teeth – 20 by age 2
Adult teeth - 32 note locations of incisors, canines, premolars, molars
Problems with Teeth Plaque bacteria sticking to surface of teeth – produces sticky matrix that traps food particles this protects bacteria from saliva
Cavities acid from bacteria erode the structure of the tooth can be prevented by brushing and FLOSSING
bacteria infect pulp – destroy pulp cavity and nerve Root Canal pulp must be removed and packed with solid materials