Warm-Up Study Notes from last week!
Have you ever explained something to someone only to later find out that what you thought was a crystal clear explanation was confusing, misleading, or even incorrect?
Activity Do NOT show your partner your object! Write 1 sentence that accurately describes the object in detail without saying what the object is Give your partner your description and let them guess what your object is. After you have both had time to guess talk about your descriptions and what was confusing about them and what helped your partner guess what your object was.
What did you learn from this activity? Detail is very important in science and can mean the difference between correctly or incurrectly reading results from an experiment or directions for completing a experiment. Do you think that in science it is important for scientists to use very accurate and descriptive words to describe things they are studying or experimental procedures they are conducting?
Observations What does that mean? What is an observation? -an act or instance of noticing or perceiving. -an act or instance of viewing or noting a fact or occurrence for some scientific or other special purpose What does that mean?
Write 3 Observations about me.
Examples of Observations Things that are NOT observations Examples of Observations These are all examples of what a conclusion may be. Because you have seem candy on my desk doesn’t necessarily mean I like it. You have taken a observation and made a conclusion about it. Or because I work in Winston-Salem doesn’t mean that I live here you could have concluded that because I am working here I must live here, or because I have candy on my desk I must eat it. ( and you would be right about the candy) Eats candy Listens to music Gives all A’s Lives in Winston-Salem Brown Eyes Brown Hair Freckles What color my shirt is.
What can you conclude from today’s class?
HOMEWORK Read Scientific Method Handout. Take notes if necessary. Tomorrow we will have a “POP” QUIZ on this reading. Make sure you have read and understand it!