Development roadmap PCS Day 2017
Empty Envelope Concept Highlights Minor 2018 Major 2018 Minor 2019 Major 2019 Empty Envelope Concept PaP Product SBPA admin.
Minor 2018 Withdraw & Close dossiers What’s the problem? Acceptance indicators What’s the problem? Post-Processing „dead” dossiers Final Offer Solution: New process step for Leading RUs Dossier closure regardless of the acceptance indicator Automatic promotion for all red dossiers till X
Major 2018 For TT2019 Ad-Hoc Path Request For TT2020 New Path Request Empty Envelope Concept Further details later in another agenda point Single Border Point Approach (administration) Network border IM A IM B Domestic traffic International traffic Border crossing area HANDOVER POINT Arr. Dep. Publish PaPs with slot approach Threshold or warning only for IM parameters in PaPs 12:50 3 Reference PaP Train weight 2500 2600 Train length 700 690 vs. 15:58 Weight carriages set 2400 2500 Length carriages set 650 640 Padborg Maschen Rbf (Mnwf) Offer Offer Request
Adjustment of Conflict resolution Minor 2019 For TT2020 New Path Request Adjustment of Conflict resolution 3 12:50 Reference PaP 2 PaP PaP PaP PaP PaP PaP 15:58 4 PaP PaP PaP PaP n.a. PaP Padborg Maschen Rbf (Mnwf) PaP PaP PaP PaP TM TM Offer Request TCRs Provide bigger update possibility for IMs in Path Elaboration on the PaPs Ideas are under elaboration
Major 2019 For TT2020 Ad-Hoc Path Request For TT2021 New Path Request Implementation of the bandwidth New classification of operation point protection Geography Times Parameters 12:50 Reference PaP Bandwidth 15:58 Padborg Maschen Rbf (Mnwf) Non-RU Applicant New import sheet PCS Applicant RUs
Thank you for your attention! Development roadmap PCS Day 2017