Evaluating your practical To ensure that you understand what is expected from a product evaluation. To begin evaluating your practical from last lesson.
Evaluating your practical. You will need to include the following information when evaluating your practical: What went well? What needs improvement - how would you do if differently next time? What did you learn from the practical? Nutritional analysis of the dish - use Food in Focus - make comments about certain nutrients in the dish. Cost of the dish Think about the dish in relation to the task - was it healthy? How do you know this? How economical was it in terms of cost and resources? time? Include the photo of your dish - you may want to label or annotate this.
For future practicals… You may want to think about the resources available to you - try and come in a bit earlier if you can. Think about sensory analysis you can carry out on your dishes. Comparing with a shop bought product. Next practical - 11C - on Thurs 16th Oct. 11A - next Tuesday 21st Oct.