Risk Update Workshop Introduction Elaine McCluskey, LBNF Project Manager LBNF/DUNE Update Workshop 04 December 2017
Risk Management and our Project Risk management is an important part of any project. LBNF and DUNE have been engaged in serious risk management for some time. The 2015 and 2016 workshops included several external experts and refined an existing risk register and assessment Register was used for monte carlo analysis to calculate DOE cost and overall schedule contingency associated with those risk items for the LBNF/DUNE project Risks are discussed periodically and actions taken as appropriate by specific groups. 12.04.17 E McCluskey | Dec 2017 Risk Update Workshop Intro
Review and update all current medium and high ranked risks Risk Workshop Goals Review and update all current medium and high ranked risks Brainstorm & discuss any new or proposed risks Prepare for updated monte carlo analysis to inform risk cost (for DOE-only) and schedule contingency calculations 12.04.17 E McCluskey | Dec 2017 Risk Update Workshop Intro
A few reminders from prior workshops - Objectives A workshop setting provides the opportunity to Bring together the projects’ leadership to focus on risks. Dialog and exchange ideas, not just present and review. Ensure that all known risk threats and opportunities are appropriately characterized. Classify threats in order to identify those that need to be actively managed in the near term. Do this in an open, transparent, and inclusive manner. 12.04.17 E McCluskey | Dec 2017 Risk Update Workshop Intro
Reminders - Workshop Philosophy Exploit the belief that a collaborative analysis will provide a truer representation than many individual and isolated analyses. Maximize buy-in through an objective dialogue among the participants about the risks. Ensure that all perspectives, views and opinions are heard and considered in identifying and judging the risks. For this open dialogue to lead to consensus on the assessments and mitigations for the risks discussed 12.04.17 E McCluskey | Dec 2017 Risk Update Workshop Intro
Reminders - Risk Management approach for LBNF/DUNE Follows the Fermilab Risk Management Procedure for Projects Utilizes the Fermilab risk register All risks are entered If risk status is “open” and approval status is “approved” then the risk is included in the monte carlo simulation. If risk remains “proposed” then it is still under consideration 12.04.17 E McCluskey | Dec 2017 Risk Update Workshop Intro
Reminder Risk scoring at right represents how we might categorize the risk, but we will enter into the risk register actual % probabilities actual estimates of cost/schedule impacts 12.04.17 E McCluskey | Dec 2017 Risk Update Workshop Intro
Risk Register overall for LBNF/DUNE as of today ALL RISKS BY WBS OPEN RISKS BY RANK Summary of risks is in spreadsheet format linked at the top of the agenda We will work real-time in the online risk register to update as we go 12.04.17 E McCluskey | Dec 2017 Risk Update Workshop Intro
Monday Tuesday Morning Lunch Afternoon Adjourn Discuss Cryo Risks Agenda is found here Monday Morning Discuss Cryo Risks Discuss FSCF Risks Lunch Afternoon Discuss FSCF Risks - cont… Discuss Far Detector Risks Tuesday Discuss Beamline Risks Discuss NSCF Risks Adjourn Thank you for your participation! 12.04.17 E McCluskey | Dec 2017 Risk Update Workshop Intro