It all comes in three’s….. Early years of the republic and rising conflicts!
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Articles of Confederation United States Constitutions Constitutions Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Articles of Confederation U.S. Constitution One of the 1st written constitutions in the colonies. (1639) Written in 1781. Weak confederation 9/13 and could not raise (taxes) money for army Written in 1787 and revised the Articles of Confederation.
Northwest ordinance 1787 = Established a procedure for adding new territories and states to the United States. (Think of Northwest and then the order that each state came in) 5th 2nd 4th 3rd 1st
Brown Vs Board of Education (1954) Dred Scott v Sandford (1857) Landmark Cases of the Supreme Court Brown Vs Board of Education (1954) Dred Scott v Sandford (1857) Marbury v Madison (1803) Idea of judicial review in which the supreme court can overturn as unconstitutional any law that is interpreted to be against the U.S. Constitution which is the supreme law of the land. An abolitionist case in which a slave sued for his freedom. He lost the case because he did not have the rights of citizens to sue in court and the court said slaves were property not citizens. Decided separate but equal was unconstitutional and ordered integration of schools
Crisis Crisis States Rights Crisis Nullification Crisis It may be a traumatic or stressful change in a person's life, or an unstable and dangerous social situation, in political, social economic, or military affairs. It is a term meaning 'a testing time' or 'emergency event'. Crisis involving Southern states who wanted to leave the USA because they wanted to ignore (nullify) certain federal laws. South Carolina threatened to secede from the U.S.A. if the federal government tried to collect tariff duties in their state. They tried to use the doctrine of States rights to nullify (ignore) the tariff law. SC backed down/army to enforce/Jackson
Monroe Doctrine (1823) = said the U. S Monroe Doctrine (1823) = said the U.S. would not allow more European colonization in North or South America and that we could consider European interference in the Western Hemisphere as an act against the United States. President James Monroe is responsible for this doctrine.
George Washington and the Two Party System Washington’s Farewell Address (1796) = encouraged the U.S. to remain neutral and form “no entangling alliances”. (no treaties)
George Washington and the Two Party System The Federalist and the Anti-Federalist were really the first two political parties The Anti-Federalist became the Democratic-Republicans 1828 = the Democratic Party begins with the election of Andrew Jackson 1854 = the Republican Party begins.
Your Assignment: Using your Cornell Notes, complete the questions on the handout.
TAKS Objective 5 (Skill Terms) TAKS Objective 5: Skill Terms
+ + + Sound I make…. + Primary Source = an original document, artifact, picture, journal, diary, letter, cartoon from the period in which an event occurred or a record from a person who participated in the event.
+ - EN - + + Point of reference = the perspective from which a person views historical or current issues and events.
One of 60 + - + - + Secondary Source = information that comes from other sources (other primary or secondary ) such as a textbook, encyclopedia, internet, gossip, an eyewitness to an event.
+ Bias = slanted coverage or one-sided information about an event: prejudiced information.
Sound I make as I become flat… + + Sequence = putting things in a logical order, using chronological order to organize events based on dates. Example: timelines, numerical order, flow chart, diagramming charts.
Your Assignment: please review the list of items on your handout Your Assignment: please review the list of items on your handout. Indicate what each item is based on the Objective 5 skill terms that you learned today!