TEEN PARENTHOOD 78% of teen pregnancies are unplanned 80% of teen fathers do not stay with the mothers of their babies(stayteen.org) Parents make many adjustments to their lives when they have a child. What changes do new parents make?
PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES Basic physical needs: food, clothing, shelter, medical care Developmental and emotional needs Unconditional love, proper nurturing, education Guidance, understanding of right & wrong, development of good self-concept Self-direction & accepting responsibility
IMPACT ON TEEN PARENTS PHYSICAL: strain on your body, risk of medical complications: early/prolonged labor, high blood pressure, anemia EMOTIONAL/MENTAL: stress, depression, frustration, strained relationships SOCIAL: isolation, loss of friends, miss out on activities
IMPACT ON TEENS CONT. LEGAL: possible consequences if underage, court ordered child support, custody issues, adoption, safe delivery program ECONOMIC: more difficult to finish high school, less likely to meet career goals, more likely to end up in poverty
RESOURCES WHERE CAN YOU GO TO GET INFORMATION AND/OR COUNSELING ON THESE ISSUES? HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS & SEXUAL VIOLENCE: SHACC, Diane Peppler, Local counselors/therapists, website with validity(loveisrespect.org), hotline(Nat’l Teen Dating Abuse Helpline) CONTRACEPTION & PREGNANCY: Chippewa County Health Dept, family doctor, IHS, website with validity(plannedparenthood.org)
RESOURCES CONT. ADOPTION: Website with validity, Reliable Adoption Agency, Department of Health and Human Services, Anishnaabek Community & Family Services
SAFE DELIVERY STARTED JANUARY 1, 2001 Purpose: to end the tragedy of unwanted newborns being abandoned Unharmed newborns up to 3 days old may be surrendered to a “safe place” “safe places” include: hospital, police department, fire department 28 days to petition the court if you change your mind