MWP Kindergarten Opening Writing Unit 1 Lessons Trina Cibor Diana Moore Melissa Salkeld Carly Maietta MWP Kindergarten Opening Writing Unit 1 Lessons
Unit 1, Week 1: Who is a Writer. Lesson 1a-Why do Writers Write Unit 1, Week 1: Who is a Writer? Lesson 1a-Why do Writers Write? Who is a writer? The goal of this lesson is to generate ideas about why people write and to get the students to see that everyone is a writer.
Illustrators are writers too!!
Unit 1, Week 1: Who is a Writer? Lesson 1b-What Makes a Good Writer?
Unit 1, Week 1: Who is a Writer? Lesson 1c-How Do Writers Plan?
Lesson 2: We are all writers!
Lesson 2: We are all writers!
Lesson 3: Launching Writer's Workshop
Lesson 3 Continued: What can I write about?
The Writing Strategies Book By Jennifer Serravallo Generating Ideas The Writing Strategies Book By Jennifer Serravallo
Week 2 Lesson 1 When we are done, we have just begun! Reread Meet with our partners Add to our pictures and words. Start a new piece.
Week 2 Lesson 2 How do you add detail to your illustrations? What does adding detail look like?
Resources Pencil anchor chart on what writers write: Anchor chart with illustrations on what writers write: Anchor chart for how writers plan: kindergarten-writing-workshop/ Writing Curriculum on Write from the heart: Ideas for Writer’s Block: how-to-inspire-student-writers-in-class-2/