Whose… is it? Whose …are they?
It’s Bart’s skateboard Whose skateboard is it? It’s Bart’s skateboard
Whose saxophone is it? It’s Lisa’s saxophone
Whose beer is it? It’s Homer’s beer
Whose dummy is it? DUMMY It’s Maggie’s dummy
It’s the Simpsons’ house Whose house is it? It’s the Simpsons’ house
They are Marge’s sisters Whose sisters are they? SISTERS They are Marge’s sisters
They are Marge’s children Whose children are they? CHILDREN They are Marge’s children
They are Bart, Maggie and Lisa’s parents Whose parents are they? They are Bart, Maggie and Lisa’s parents
Whose son is it? SON It is Homer’s son
Whose daughter is it? DAUGHTER It is Marge’s daughter
Whose wife is it? WIFE It is Homer’s wife
Whose husband is it? HUSBAND It is Marge’s husband