Evidence Based Traffic Enforcement Sgt. Scott Roach St. Louis County Police Highway Safety Unit
‘An Officer & His Ticket Book’ P.O. Adam Lane September, 2015 501 citations “That’s great but…
…..before we throw a bunch of time and $$$ at an issue, let’s do a few things first.”
Starts with Data!
Analyze the Hot Spot Identify it: “Tell me the 5 worst intersections.” Analyze it: “When is the worst times for crashes?” Watch it: Take 30 minutes and just watch it. *Assign it: Be specific what you want. *Resources: Who can help fix it? *Follow-up on complaints.
Analyze the Hot Spot *Assign it: Be specific what you want. -Citations? -Warnings? -Contacts? -Visibility? *Resources: Who can help fix it? Timing cycle?, Engineering flaw? Signage?, Enforcement? *Follow-up on complaints: Example
EXAMPLE: Most Common Citizen Complaint Analyze the Hot Spot EXAMPLE: Most Common Citizen Complaint “They’re speeding up-and-down my street!” -Go speak with them. -Bring in the data! -Ride-along? -Let them use the Laser and Radar. -Make sure they SEE your efforts.
Overall Monthly Hot Spot Activity: Specific Monthly Hot Spot Activity HOT SPOT REPORT JUNE 2017 Overall Monthly Hot Spot Activity: Activity Monthly Total YTD Contacts in H.S. 207 1,494 Hours in H.S. 131 859 Citations issued in H.S. 216 1,642 Warnings issued in H.S. 40 335 Arrests in H.S. 17 81 Specific Monthly Hot Spot Activity Location Contacts Hours Citations Warnings Arrests Hwy 255 / 55 146 87 159 32 17 Hwy 270 / 21 50 30 49 11 Hwy 70 / 270 14 8 4 Monthly Total 207 131 216 40
Lessons Learned Change up the Hot Spots. Don’t have too many at the same time. Prepare YOUR boss re: performance. Assign a Hot Spot officer. Encourage officers to move around. Different inputs: Officer, Patrol, Public, MoDOT Keep up with results. (good or bad)
Creative Activities
Creative Activities Invite other officers! Laser from overpasses / hidden areas. Air enforcement ‘Team Day’ Saturation Patrols (instead of checkpoints) Mobilizations: ‘Saturation Saturday’ Multi-Agency Activities Invite other officers!
Sgt. Scott Roach St. Louis County PD 314-576-1055 Sroach@stlouisco.com