Employee Performance Management System (EPMS)
Introduction to the EPMS Process Slide 2 During the month of November, supervisors will complete performance evaluations of all SC First Steps employees. Evaluations will be completed using the Employee Performance Management System or EPMS.
What is Performance Appraisal? Slide 3 Performance appraisal is a formal, periodic review of an employee’s job performance. The performance appraisal is based on documented performance during a prescribed period. It compares documented performance to the established standard (job function statements and other established goals). It is used to rate the individual’s performance.
Why Do We Do It? Slide 4 To increase First Steps’ organizational efficiency by helping each employee to improve his/her own performance and or potential. To provide objective evaluation and information on employee strengths and areas needing improvement. Recognize employees’ potential for promotion. Provide a documented history of performance. Encourage continued growth and development of employees.
2017 Review Timeline Slide 5 November 30, 2017 – All 2017 evaluations and 2017 planning tools complete. November 2, 2018 – 2018 Reviews Completed (Going forward, November 2 will be the agency’s universal review date.)
Three Phases of the EPMS Process Slide 6 The EPMS process is designed around three phases: Planning Intermediate (or Performance), and Review.
Three Phases of the EPMS Process Slide 7 1) Planning: Mutual agreement on duties, goals and expectations. 2) Intermediate/Performance: The period of time during which this work is completed. 3) Review: Period during which performance appraisal is completed. This review is based on documented performance, and may include feedback from others sought by your supervisor.
PLANNING Slide 8 2018 PLANNING: As part of the 2017 review, you and your supervisor will complete (by November 30, 2017) the 2017 EPMS process. This will entail creation of an EPMS planning “shell” for next year, which may include additional performance goals.
The EPMS FORM: COVER PAGE Slide 9 2017 Review Period: 12/1/2016-11/30/2017 Ratings Definitions You and your supervisor will sign and review after each stage. Each review will also be approved/signed by your supervisor’s supervisor.
SECTION ONE Section One assesses performance against job functions. Slide 10 Section One assesses performance against job functions. JOB FUNCTION: The job function consists of a statement which reflects the performance expectations of the job. These will come directly from your current job description. ACTUAL PERFORMANCE: In this area your supervisor may include comments and/or to justify ratings of the job functions and objectives. If a job function and/or objective is rated “Unsuccessful Performance,” justification of the rating must be documented in the appropriate actual performance area. PERFORMANCE LEVEL: This section is used to rate the employee’s performance for each job function or objective. The rater inserts the appropriate rating level in each item. Employee rating is indicated by one of 3 levels of performance, Exceptional (E), Successful (S), or Unsuccessful (U).
SECTION ONE - CONTINUED Slide 11 Each function on your current job description will be assigned one of three ratings: EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE: Work that is above the criteria of the job function throughout the rating period. (E) SUCCESSFUL PERFORMANCE: Work that meets the criteria of the job. (S) UNSUCCESSFUL PERFORMANCE: Work that fails to meet the criteria of the job. (U)
SECTION TWO Slide 12 Additionally, you will be rated on a range of performance characteristics. These ratings will be assigned on a pass/fail basis. PASS = Meets requirements (P) FAIL = Fails to Meet Requirements. (F) (Note that a separate version of the EPMS form includes supervisory performance characteristics. Supervisors will be evaluated against this criteria, also on a pass/fail basis.)
SECTION THREE Slide 13 Section III is optional. It is a place for you and your supervisor to evaluate special, non-recurring projects that do not appear on your job description (as applicable). These ratings will be assigned using the same performance ratings (Exceptional, Successful, Unsuccessful) as Section I.) If your employee requests training, please note the type of training requested on this document.
SECTION FOUR Slide 14 Section IV provides for a summary of the employee’s major performance strengths and weaknesses. It allows the supervisor to identify actions recommended to improve performance and/or potential. Each employee will be assigned an Overall Performance Rating based on the information in Sections 1-4. Additional comments will justify the Overall Performance Rating above. You will also have the opportunity to include your own comments regarding the accuracy, comprehensiveness and helpfulness of the review.
Review and 2018 Planning Slide 15 Prior to your review of the completed EPMS with your supervisor, his/her ratings and comments will be reviewed by his/her own supervisor. After this approval is obtained, you will meet with your supervisor to review your 2017 EPMS and complete the 2018 Planning stage collaboratively. You will both sign to reflect your understanding and agreement of next year’s expectations. Managers and staff are encouraged to hold at least one review sessions near the middle of your upcoming review period to discuss progress.