This is an overview of the class schedule for Term 2. Intro Term 2 This is an overview of the class schedule for Term 2.
There is NO MID TERM TEST Class Schedule Intro Party Party Party Edible Edible Edible Journey Journey Journey News News News EXAM EXAM EXAM Film There is NO MID TERM TEST
A student will produce 4 sets of homework. Review will consist of homework, role plays and exam review and other class activates Review class One week before a review class students are required to hand in topic homework's A student will produce 4 sets of homework.
HOMEWORK will count for 30 percent of final mark. Homework will be 5 video’s per topic The video WILL NOT BE high quality or large in size (mp4) The class monitor will be responsible for collecting home works and creating a folder with class number and class time (201212245_mon8am) Students will create a folder called student number/ English name = 123456_james Each PowerPoint file will be called Number, name and topic = 123456_james_news HOMEWORK will count for 30 percent of final mark. Each Video File will/should be called Number, topic and part = 123456_fest_part5
ATTENDANCE will count for 10 percent of final mark. Class work General class will consist of Inside out (blue book) Each topic will consist of 2 classes Make sure you bring your own book to class ATTENDANCE will count for 10 percent of final mark.