“Grandma lost both her parents to the Nazis before she and her brother managed to escape. And Grandpa…” “I remember. I remember…,” Hannah whispered. “…Will lost everyone but your Aunt Eva.
Hannah and Aaron raced into the building Hannah and Aaron raced into the building. Because he was the youngest, Aaron got to press the elevator button. “That’s not fair…” Hannah began. But then she remembered how scared she’d been the first time she’d had to ask the Four Questions at the Seder and she stopped.
As the horrible pictures flashed by, a dark voice announced the roll of camps: “Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Chelmno, Dachau…” “Give them this!” Grampa Will shouted.
Baby stories. she thought angrily, unlatching the double bolt Baby stories! she thought angrily, unlatching the double bolt. Flinging the door wide open, she whispered, “Ready or not, here I c…”
What does this word Mean? GENRE
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Poetry Historical Fiction Comedy Mystery Realistic Fiction Heavy Metal Literature Poetry Historical Fiction Realistic Fiction Science Fiction Nonfiction Folk Tales Fantasy Fairy Tale Movies Comedy Mystery Drama Documentary Horror Action Science Fiction Music Heavy Metal Pop Classical Country Jazz Rap
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What Makes Historical Fiction? It’s a story based on a real, major historical event or character. The story contains historically accurate SETTING CHARACTERS DIALOGUE
Historically Accurate Setting QUOTE COMMENTARY The author describes how Shmuel bathed when he, “…dipped his hands into the bowl, slopping water over the side” (Yolen 25). This shows a change in setting. The setting here is a house with no indoor plumbing. Shmuel washes himself with a bowl of water.