Speed and Velocity By Abby and Brielle
The description of both speed and direction of motion or vector. Velocity The ratio of the distance an object moves to the amount of time the object moves. The description of both speed and direction of motion or vector.
Key Points of Speed Average speed is the total distance traveled. Instantaneous speed is the rate at which an object is moving at any given moment in time.
Key Points of Velocity Velocity is a vector. A change in velocity can be the result of a change in speed, a change in direction, or both.
Examples of Speed: Average Speed = Total distance over Total time, or v= d over t. A car might travel 80 kilometers per hour. Its speed would be expressed as 80 km/h.
Examples of Velocity: A Cheetah running at 90 kilometers per hour, is 30 meters from an antelope that is standing still. In this situation you would need to know the direction of an objects motion.
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