Today is Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013 HOMEWORK: Read Chapter 10, Lesson 3 Warm UP: Tell your shoulder partner one form of NON-RENEWABLE ENERGY (review from yesterday) as well as one form of RENEWABLE ENERGY (this is what we will be talking about today).
Helping us reach our Standard…. Goal for Today SWBAT demonstrate the ability to recognize wind, solar, and hydroelectric energy as types of renewable energy resources by discussing advantages and disadvantages of these renewable resources. Helping us reach our Standard…. 5-ESS3-1 Obtain and combine information about ways individual communities use science ideas to protect the Earth’s resources and environment.
Exxon-Valdez Oil Spill Prince-William Sound, Alaska 1989
Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig Explosion Gulf of Mexico, United States April, 2010
Shrimp boats equipped with booms collect oil in Chandeleur Sound, La Shrimp boats equipped with booms collect oil in Chandeleur Sound, La., on May 5.
An oil-soaked bird struggles against the side of an Iron Horse supply vessel at the site of the oil spill off Louisiana on May 9.
An aerial view of the northern Chandeleur barrier islands, 20 miles from the main Louisiana coastline, shows sheens of oil reaching land May 6.
Oil swirls in the Gulf of Mexico currents May 6.
A Greenpeace worker collects samples of oil May 19 that washed up along the mouth of the Mississippi River near Venice, La.
An oil-covered dragonfly, stuck to marsh grass, tries to clean itself May 18 in Garden Island Bay near Venice.
Renewable Resources Wed., Dec. 4, 2013
Solar Energy Renewable Energy from sunlight Heats water boils steam turns turbine to make electricity Advantages: No air pollution Unlimited supply
Disadvantages: Not always available Expensive to make and maintain Solar cell production makes dangerous wastes
Wind Energy Wind turbines uses wind energy to spin a generator electricity Advantages: No air pollution Disadvantage: -Wind doesn’t blow all the time -Can kill birds -Noisy and ugly - Possible unknown future consequences of global wind patterns
Using Wind Energy in a New Way Wind Belt Using Wind Energy in a New Way
Uses flowing water to spin generator Hydroelectric Energy Uses flowing water to spin generator Most of Washington State (home of Ali and Mr. Gross) runs off of this power Advantages: No fuel needed No pollution No waste left behind
China, Yangtze River Three Gorges Dam Disadvantages: Only built by moving water Place where lake can form behind the dam Lakes flood habitats Dams stop fish swimming up and down river Though a very, very rare occurrence, disasters (i.e. dam breaking) can be extremely horrific and far-reaching in their destruction China, Yangtze River Three Gorges Dam
Closing it up…. Tell your shoulder partner what you think the BEST form of energy we have talked about today is and WHY you think it is the best.
Today is Thursday, Dec. 5, 2013 Homework: Read Chapter 10, Lesson 4 Warm Up: With your FACE PARTNER, recall one form of renewable energy we discussed in class yesterday. Give one pro (advantage) and one con (disadvantage) of using this type of energy.
Helping us reach our Standard…. Goal for Today SWBAT demonstrate the ability to recognize nuclear, geothermal and biomass as types of renewable energy resources by discussing advantages and disadvantages of these renewable resources. Helping us reach our Standard…. 5-ESS3-1 Obtain and combine information about ways individual communities use science ideas to protect the Earth’s resources and environment.
The Nukes!!!!!
Heats water boils steam turns turbine to make electricity Nuclear Energy Uses uranium as fuel Advantages Needs much less fuel Doesn’t give off smoke Disadvantages Very expensive (to get up and running safely in the first place, cheaper after that) Dangerous wastes Nonrenewable (but lasts a long time)
How Fission Splits the Uranium Atom This process creates heat (when forced chain reaction occurs phenomenal amounts of heat are created, i.e. in bomb, where the military expression “Turn the desert in to glass” comes from)
Nuclear Power Plant Accident Chernobyl, Ukraine (Ukraine S.S.R. at the time) 1986
Largest man-made release of nuclear energy in the history of the world. This was a disaster!!! (not done on purpose!!!)
Geothermal Energy Uses energy from the high temperatures inside the Earth Advantages Available all the time
Disadvantages Only available in few places in the world Expensive to build in the first place Some natural pollutants in the steam of the power plants.
Biomass Biomass – material that was recently alive, like animal waste, wood, grasses, or food waste Uses biomass to burn as fuel for power plants
Advantages Unlimited supply Less garbage will take up landfills
Disadvantage Causes air pollution
Closing it up…. Of all the forms of renewable energy we have discussed in class, in your table groups discuss and come up with 1 or 2 that you think are THE BEST. Pick a spokesperson from your table to explain to the class why you have chosen the one or two that you have chosen (why they are the best!!!!).