Writing For Health Communication and New Media NM4221 Writing For Health Communication and New Media
Learning Outcomes …… write persuasive or informative articles suitable for publication in a health promotion, health education or news website aimed at public audiences… Discover library resources and more in order to find scholarly materials for your assignments
Contents The Research Process Boolean and Search Statements - Scopus Google Scholar Factiva Evaluating Internet sources Searching Social Media
1. The Research Process
2. Boolean and Search Statements Database – Scopus Activity 1
2.1 Database - Scopus Scopus is a multidisciplinary database with: 67 million journal articles 1.4 million book items 8 million conference proceedings The largest abstract and citation database of peer- reviewed literature
1 2 3 4 Activity 1 Download worksheet 'Activity 1' / Download worksheet 'Activity 1' 1 Work on it yourself or in pairs 2 Ask us questions if you have any 3 Have Scopus open 4 Activity 1
Part B - Boolean and Search Operators No. Keyword No. of Results No. Results 1.1) fear appeal 1.2) “fear appeal” 1.1 & 1.2 Is there a difference in the no. of results? (Y/N) _______ If yes, why do you think so? ________________________________________________________ 2.1) anorexia or bulimia 2.2) anorexia and bulimia 2.1 & 2.2 3.1) anorexia 3.2) anorex* 3.1 & 3.2
Part C – Search Statements Consider this research question… The effect of promotion, branding and advertising of cigarettes and tobacco use on teenagers
Search Statement No. of Results 1 advertising branding promotion tobacco use teenagers 2 3
Save or export to reference manager Sort results by… Refine results by… Save or export to reference manager Mark relevant records Access pdf
Let’s recap the elements of a search statement ( ) AND OR * “ ” (advertis* OR brand* OR promot*) AND ("tobacco use" OR smok*) AND (teen* OR adoles*) v
Findit!@NUS Libraries Proxy bookmarklet 3. Google Scholar
Let’s try searching Google Scholar! advertising branding promotion tobacco use teenagers Fuzzy – searches smoking and adolescents
4. Factiva Global news database from 33,000 premium sources News media Magazines Press releases Web and social media Images, TV and Radio clips
campaign* AND (anorex* OR bulim* OR “eating disorder”) 4. Factiva campaign* AND (anorex* OR bulim* OR “eating disorder”) Let’s try… campaign* AND (anorex* OR bulim* OR “eating disorder”)
Split pane view Sort results by… Save or download Refine results by… Access article
5. Evaluating Internet Sources CRAAP Test Activity 2
CRAAP Test 1. Currency 4. Accuracy Date when the article was published. Are there any references provided? 2. Relevance 5. Purpose Would this article be relevant to the intended audience? Is the purpose to inform? Teach? Sell? Entertain? Persuade? 3. Authority Count the number of advertisements on the website? Are there any authors listed? Is the website sponsored by any companies? Do they have a sponsor/advertising policy? Are the authors qualified to give medical advice? Would you trust the information from this website? What is the website's domain?
1. 2. 3. 4. http://bit.ly/nm4221_1 - https://sleep.org/articles/hypnic-jerks/ http://bit.ly/nm4221_3 - https://www.healthychildren.org/English/healthy-living/nutrition/Pages/Differences-in-Organic-Natural-and-Health-Foods.aspx http://bit.ly/nm4221_4 - http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/healthy-living/news/a14921/some-vitamins-may-increase-risk-of-early-death/ http://bit.ly/nm4221_5 - https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/11/23/did-you-know-that-splenda-is-in-your-drinking-water.aspx
Activity 2 Download the worksheet ' Activity 2' Choose 1 of 4 articles/websites Work in groups to complete the worksheet Ask us questions if you have any Summarize your evaluation by answering these: Which is the most glaring red flag you have observed? Would you trust the information provided by this health article?
When evaluating websites, check... The ‘About Us’ page Look for information about sponsors or advertising policies Look for information about the authors and contributors of the website Links and references For unrelated product advertisements The tone and language used Check yourself for confirmation bias!
6. Searching Social Media Social Media Monitoring Twitter Google Tips
‘Stalking’ Social Media Useful for campaign managers to look at real time reactions E.g. Instagram campaigns, Social Media challenges and promotions
Twitter https://twitter.com/search- advanced Supports Boolean operators
Facebook via Google site:facebook.com {your search terms}
Facebook Look at Visitors’ Posts & Reviews
Google! Source: http://www.whoishostingthis.com/blog/2014/08/08/google-pro/#.
In summary What you’re looking for Where to find it Books Background information on the health issue Library Portal – FindMore@NUSL Journal Articles Academic & scholarly research in health communication Case studies of health communication campaigns Databases e.g. Scopus, Web of Science, Communication & Mass Media Complete, CINAHL Plus…. Google Scholar Newspaper Articles Health promotion and campaigns in local news; state of affairs in Singapore Factiva LexisNexis Academic Internet Sites Information about health organizations Case studies of past health communication campaigns Google Social Media
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Useful Links Mendeley Library Guide - http://libguides.nus.edu.sg/mendeley/ Citation Styles Guide - http://libguides.nus.edu.sg/citation More about newspapers - http://libguides.nus.edu.sg/history/newspapers CNM Library Guide - http://libguides.nus.edu.sg/cnm How to be a Google power-user - http://coolinfographics.com/blog/2014/9/24/how-to-be- a-google-power-user.html Twitter Advanced Search - https://twitter.com/search- advanced