Digital Solar Helping bring the power of sunshine to the world 1/16/2019 Digital Solar Helping bring the power of sunshine to the world Engineering: Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Product Statement Digital Solar - produces smart phone enabled software and a lens kit to enable a hand held solar meter to accurately measures the year around shading of a solar installation site, a requirement for all national solar rebates. 1/16/2019 Digital Solar
Global Cumulative PV Power 1/16/2019 Digital Solar
Financial Incentives California is Currently 75% of U.S. market Led by “California Solar Initiative” Largest program in U.S. history Long term funding commitment is key for growing deployment Federal Incentives Are Helping Federal Tax Credit: Business Tax Credit: 30% for all solar technologies Personal Tax Credit: 30% capped at $2,000 1/16/2019 Digital Solar
Energy Market Prospecting 1/16/2019 Digital Solar
Solar Market Opportunities 1/16/2019 Digital Solar
Solar Product Methods Standard Digital Smart Phone Solar Market - skies the limit Standard professional readings ($250) Required to get 70% coverage 1/16/2019 Digital Solar
Current Technology Tough Math Takes Time Complicated Rough Accuracy Expensive Custom Equipment 1/16/2019 Digital Solar
Competition Competition: Simple, inexpensive and reliable Manual complex system Expensive complex system Simple, inexpensive and reliable Smart phone technology 1/16/2019 Digital Solar
Current Products Solar Pathfinder Big and heavy Inaccurate Cumbersome Complex Price $295 1/16/2019 Digital Solar
Current High-end Products Solar Suneye Big and heavy Cumbersome Highly Manual Complex Expensive Price $1995 with GPS 1/16/2019 Digital Solar
Product Re-Design Requirements Standard Digital Smart Phone Soar Prospector - line GPS Compass Internet enable Camera Software enabled 1/16/2019 Digital Solar
Mission Statement Digital Solar’s mission is provide electronic tools to empower the people of the world to create and use power efficiently. 1/16/2019 Digital Solar
Future Product Digital Sunshine Lightweight Easy to install Automatic Simple to use Inexpensive Price free with Smart Phone $4.99 - $29.95 with adaptive lens Freemium model - can calculate cost and pay pack period up sell packages 1/16/2019 Digital Solar
The Team - Qualities U.C. Berkeley Team People who want to have an impact on the world. Must be driven. 1/16/2019 Digital Solar
The Team - Skills Needed Developers: iPhone, Android, Java, UI Design Knowledge: Solar Power, Energy, Tools and Construction Science: Astronomers, Physicists and Engineers - optical specialist Type: Explorers and Adventurers 1/16/2019 Digital Solar
Market Summary Market: solar energy: Tremendous growth for decades to come. Our work can have a global impact Yes solar is going to be big. 1/16/2019 Digital Solar
Product Opportunities Problems and opportunities: Produce more effect energy systems Supplies government mandate for energy rebates Optimizes natural surroundings for heating and cooling Increases crop yields Expands clean energy markets to the developing world 1/16/2019 Digital Solar
Business Concept Digitize the complex method to collect solar data into a one-step process. 1/16/2019 Digital Solar
Goals & Objectives Five-year goals Provide a simple low solution cost to monitor sun energy Build comprehensive solar solutions Expand to other monitoring areas 1/16/2019 Digital Solar
Financial Plan Low cost manufacturing High-value software product 1/16/2019 Digital Solar
Resource Requirements Technology requirements Smart phone programming Optic engineering Resource requirements Passionate to make a difference 1/16/2019 Digital Solar
Risks & Rewards Risks Addressing risk Rewards Summarize risks project does not get implemented Addressing risk Build it Rewards Potential to have a global impact Help develop the micro-inverter market Helps the world use resources wisely 1/16/2019 Digital Solar
Key Issues Near term Long term Seeking talent Build a qualified team Build project Have the world use “Digital Solar Meter” Seeking talent 1/16/2019 Digital Solar
The Start-up 1/16/2019 Digital Solar