Proposals for the 2012 WPFS meeting and for the Biennium 2013-2014 Working Party on Financial Statistics 24-25 October 2011 By the WPFS Bureau and the OECD Secretariat STD Directorate, NAD Division, QNA&FS Section
Proposals for the 2012 WPFS meeting Methodological issues Financial Risks for Households Micro-Macro analysis Ageing population and pensions Mortgage loans How many households will face financial risks when retiring? What are the characteristics (multi-criteria) of the households which will face financial risks when retiring? How risky are the pensions for households? How costly are the pensions for households? To which types of risks (in pensions, in equity in SMEs ..) will the households be confronted when they retire? What is the role of institutional investors against the background of an ageing population? STD / NAD / QNA&FS
Proposals for the 2012 WPFS meeting Methodological issues Follow-up of the Workshop on the 2008 SNA implementation Result of the survey on the Implementation of the 2008 SNA/ESA 2010 Remaining conceptual issues on financial instrument breakdown Not yet solved conceptual/interpretational issues or conceptual issues arising when implementing the new requirements of the 2008 SNA/ESA 2010 STD / NAD / QNA&FS
Proposals for the 2012 WPFS meeting Statistics and Analysis Consistency between DAF and STD data on Insurance companies and Pension funds Improved coverage of the Households’ Assets and Liabilities dataset, including on non-financial assets, in particular dwellings Proposed indicators on Households’ wealth and debt Development of Financial Accounts in EE5 countries STD / NAD / QNA&FS
Proposals for the 2012 WPFS meeting Possible Workshop: Measurement of pension funds and other long- term savings schemes, including unfunded pension schemes The Working Party will aim at improving the international comparability of definitions and statistical concepts for the institutional investors/ funds management industries that support the considerable amount of household wealth in such schemes Other proposals STD / NAD / QNA&FS
Preparation of the Biennium 2013-2014 Questionnaire regarding priorities to proposed actions for the Biennium 2013- 2014 Possible actions to be carried out by the WPFS, based on the Mandate of the WPFS (see following slides) Comments and suggestions on projects that could be pursued and/or initiated by the WPFS Additional proposals by the WPFS Delegates In the framework of the written procedure Using the new Clearspace system STD / NAD / QNA&FS
Preparation of the Biennium 2013-2014 Results to be used by the Secretariat to elaborate the final content of the proposed work programme for 2013-2014 and to enhance its relevance and policy impact for OECD member countries Detailed list of projects to be conducted over the next biennium Precise definitions of the WPFS medium to long-term objectives STD / NAD / QNA&FS
Proposals for the Biennium 2013-2014 Collection/Dissemination of Comprehensive Financial Statistics Improvement of the collection of Quarterly financial Accounts and Financial Balance Sheets, according to the recommendation 15 of the G20 data gaps initiative Improvement of the SNA related databases on Households and Institutional Investors Development/Improvement of the collection of Public Sector Debt Statistics STD / NAD / QNA&FS
Proposals for the Biennium 2013-2014 Harmonisation of financial statistics across countries From-Whom-to-Whom tables: connection with micro data Comparison of Public and Private Pensions in OECD Countries Other types of Households Investments/Savings (Investments Funds, Dwellings ..) STD / NAD / QNA&FS
Proposals for the Biennium 2013-2014 Exchange of Information and Experience The Working Party will try to respond to financial challenges Still to be defined Enhanced engagement of key non-members Follow-up of the work carried out on and with Russia and with EE5 countries STD / NAD / QNA&FS
Finalisation of the PoW 2013-2014 Written Procedure during 2012 Draft Programme of Work for the Biennium 2013-2014 to be finalised by the Secretariat Final discussion and approval at the November 2012 WPFS meeting STD / NAD / QNA&FS