Performance Targets in the context of ETAP Presentation to the IPP meeting on 3 March 2005 DG Environment European Commission.


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Presentation transcript:

Performance Targets in the context of ETAP Presentation to the IPP meeting on 3 March 2005 DG Environment European Commission

Implementation of ETAP in 2004 Prioritisation of environmental technologies in R&D programmes More than 20 technology platforms established Handbook on Green Public Procurement Preparatory work on performance targets, financial instruments, Co-operation with Member States started DG Environment European Commission

Areas where stepped-up efforts are needed Mobilisation of financial instrument for risk financing Performance targets for key products, services, processes EU system for testing and verifying env. technologies Revision of guidelines for state-aid rules Indicators, national roadmaps for implementing ETAP, action plans for GPP Co-ordination of national R&D programmes DG Environment European Commission

ETAP Performance Targets Think-tank refined the concept in October 2004 MS ETAP group discussed links with other policies and next steps in January 2005 In coming months: consultation paper for discussion with stakeholders, pilot projects to test the concept DG Environment European Commission

ETAP Performance Targets Objectives of performance targets: Improve the environmental performance of products, services and processes Facilitate the market uptake of environmentally-friendly products and services Promote eco-innovation in the design of products, services and processes DG Environment European Commission

ETAP Performance Targets Characteristics of performance targets: Be simple and easy to communicate Be representative, scientifically valid, based on a life-cycle approach Give a clear signal to producers and consumers Be progressive, regularly updated DG Environment European Commission

ETAP Performance Targets Related policies and instruments: Integrated Product Policy Eco-design of energy-using products Eco-labels, Environmental Management Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Green Public Procurement Technical standards DG Environment European Commission

ETAP Performance Targets Next steps: Further develop the approach Presentation / discussion with stakeholders Pilot projects with volunteering sectors Depending on the results of pilots: voluntary commitments, benchmarking DG Environment European Commission