Most important environmental issues today Climate change: 400 parts per million milestone of CO2 has this month been achieved. This level is the greatest in human history, and marks the highest carbon atmospheric content in millions of years. Has a tipping point been reached? 1 1
Global Carbon Trends over previous 1000 years 2 2
Climate links e/impacts-adaptation/ 3 3
Climate change consequences: Rising sea level: projected to rise up to 39 inches by century’s end. increasing salinity affecting water supply and agriculture. more frequent and extreme storms ocean acidification - critical coral habitat death, crustacean shells can’t withstand higher acidity. 4 4
Devastating for wildlife and seasonal life-cycle events. Agricultural challenges: shifting climate range, increasing insect populations, water shortages, higher fire risk. Devastating for wildlife and seasonal life-cycle events. Growth in pathogens, diseases and parasites. Infrastructural damage, energy shortages in extreme temperatures. National security issues Mass extinction events - occurring 5 5
Water quality and supply Globally, water supplies under stress. Water wars already occuring in Yemen and other parts of the world. California not immune, Central and Imperial Valley literally sinking as aquifer pumped dry and demand outstrips supply. Pollution, nitrate runoff degrading water quality. 6 6
Fracking Pros: less CO2 emitted than coal if properly fracked US energy security Cheap energy stimulates US economy Good politics with Canada 7 7
Rich drillers out-compete local farmers for access to water supply. Cons: Millions of gallons of water used per well. Water is contaminated with toxic chemicals. Contaminated water can pollute aquifers and land, which is lost to consumption and agriculture Rich drillers out-compete local farmers for access to water supply. Fracking widespread in drought- stricken states. Fracking causes earthquakes. Controversy splitting towns. 8 8
Keystone pipeline Pipeline will carry “dirty” tar sand oil across US - any spillage difficult to clean and risks water supplies. Mining tar sands will destroy millions of acres of ancient Canadian forests. Oil to be refined for global market, no increase in energy security for US “Game over” for climate if allowed, says Nasa climate James Hansen. Will Obama approve it? 9 9