Welcome To Mrs.Biederbeck’s 6th Grade Science! STUDENTS, PLEASE SIT UP FRONT ON THE FLOOR, (help yourself to some cookies) DESKS ARE RESERVED FOR PARENTS Welcome To Mrs.Biederbeck’s 6th Grade Science! Supplies, Dress Code & Procedures
Snap Shot Feel free to take pictures of information with your cell phones…
How to contact Mrs. Woulf: Email: pwoulf@kyrene.org Phone: 480-213-8908 I will get back to you within 24 hours. Email is the preferred method of contact.
Lunch Money Use Kyrene’s online lunch money service to avoid delays. You and your child should memorize his/her student number before the first day of school to make things easier for lunch, library, computer use, etc.
What should be in your backpack every day? 3 inch three ring Binder (to be used for all subjects) Binder Subject Dividers(students will need one divider labeled for each of their classes)(dividers with pockets are a good option) 2 Composition Books (Math and Science) Pencils with Erasers-Can be mechanical pencil but must have lead Highlighters (Green, Blue, Yellow, Pink) Blue or Black Pens Colored Grading Pens Colored Pencils, Crayons, and/or Markers Pencil Pouch 3x5 Index Cards (2 Packs) Loose Leaf Graph Paper and Lined Paper Dry erase markers - low odor Calculator with your name on it
Individual Student Supplies Parent buys supplies for their child ONLY! Teachers do not provide classroom supplies for each student. There are no community supplies in the classroom. Keep in a study area for your child to replenish when needed. Buy multiple items now, best sales at Target & Staples.(Keep extra supplies at home)
Supplies: Science Green 3-prong plastic pocket folder Pencils Composition book (lined paper) 1 Roll of Masking Tape or Scotch Tape Markers and/or Colored Pencils – (no permanent markers) Hand held sharpener Loose leaf college ruled paper
Donations Always Appreciated for Teachers Low Odor Dry Erase Markers 1 Ream of Paper (any color) Pencils Kleenex Clorox Wipes Markers/Colored Pencils Graph or Lined Paper Glue Sticks Scissors Scotch Tape You can drop off donations at the front office with your Science Teacher’s name on it and we will distribute them appropriately.
Be On Time Please note there is a strict tardy policy for students at Aprende Students should be on campus by 8:25 a.m. Please make every effort to get your child to school on time **No student should be on campus before 7:55am** 1st tardy: Warning 2nd tardy: Parent Notification 3rd tardy: After School Detention Be prepared for continued detentions and conduct referrals in the event of continued tardiness State law requires that ALL students attend school
Dress Code Reminders In accordance with District Policy: No spaghetti straps. Students may wear straps approximately 2 inches in width. No low slung pants or skirts, no midriff or stomachs showing. No ‘short shorts’ or very short mini-skirts. No undergarments showing. No gang or obscene clothing, designs or colors. No hats in the school building but may be worn outside. Determination of whether or not a student is in violation of the dress code is made by ISI supervisor. Please Note: If a student is sent for a dress code check, they are missing valuable class instruction time.
Hall Procedures Doors are open during passing periods. Students may enter classes upon permission and when the teacher is present in the room. Students have 3 minutes for passing period to use restrooms, get drinks and get to class on time. Students are expected to be in their seats with supplies ready when the bell rings. Students must sign-out when leaving the classroom. Students may not leave the classroom during the first & last 10 minutes of the period.
In- Class Procedures In order to achieve success, hard work and critical thinking are necessary. Students must remain on task in the classroom. Off-task and disruptive students will be redirected at their seats with a Yellow card. If the behavior continues, the student will be moved to a time out desk. If the behavior still continues, the student will be served a Red card and will report directly to ISI. (In School Intervention room). Student success depends on completion of all work prior to assessment. It is important to be in class EVERYDAY, mentally & physically.
Science Curriculum 1st Quarter: Technology, Lab Safety, Scientific Method, Engineering and Design Process, Measurement, and Energy 2nd Quarter: Water, Atmosphere and Weather 3rd Quarter: Plant Biology and Cells 4th Quarter: Human Biology
First day of school Students meet in the ramada on Thursday when the bell rings. We strongly suggest that students bring their lunches the first weeks of school.
Meet and Greet breakfast The Aprende Parent-Teacher organization will be sponsoring a meet-and-greet breakfast for all 6th grade parents on: Tuesday, August 14th 7:30 am to 8:25 am Please join us for a continental breakfast and a chance to socialize with other sixth grade parents!
About Mrs. Biederbeck Grew up in Iowa Augustana College-Rock Island, Illinois-B.A. in Business Administration Rio Salado-Teacher Certification K-8 Student Teaching: Kyrene de Las Manitas Aprende: 3 years 15th Year Teaching in Kyrene Husband Tom-Married 27 Years 3 children: Carlin-24 years old, Riley-22 years old, and Brady-20 years old Hobbies: Exercising, Reading , and LOVE spending time at the beach!
APRENDE Middle School Time Class 5:00-5:20 1st Period 5:23-5:43 WELCOME TO APRENDE Middle School Time Class 5:00-5:20 1st Period 5:23-5:43 2nd Period 5:46-6:06 3rd Period 6:09-6:29 5th Period 6:32-6:52 6th Period 6:55-7:15 7th Period HOME OF THE JAGUARS
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