People try to run from God God called Jonah to go to: The capital city of Assyria That had captured the people of Israel Taken them as captives God called him to “call out against it” Jonah knew God would be compassionate Jonah Didn’t like the Ninevites Held a grudge against the people Refused to go
People try to run from God So Jonah went the opposite direction Opposite end of the known world in the iron age
People try to run from God Bought the ticket with his own money He was serious about leaving God behind
People try to run from God For your discussion: Where can a person go to get away from God? If people know they can’t get away from God, why do they still try to run? What do you think “running from God” looks like today?
God makes His Power known even to seekers The Sea became really rough The Sailors: Cried out to their own gods Tried to fix the situation Finally woke Jonah from his sleep Told Jonah to call on his own god to save them Then tried to determine who was at fault by casting lots (God can use any method to convey His truth) Asked what Jonah did to deserve his god’s anger.
God makes His Power known even to seekers Jonah owns up to what he believes I am a Hebrew I worship God Who made the sea and the land It is my fault we are enduring this hardship
God makes His Power known even to seekers The sailors What should we do? Did their best to save Jonah Asked Jonah’s God to forgive them Threw Jonah over Worshipped Jonah’s God
God makes His Power known even to seekers For your discussion Do you think God uses difficult times in our lives to get our attention today? Does God cause difficult times to get our attention? Did Jonah want to give his testimony of his belief in God? Were the sailors religious people? Were the sailors open to hearing about other gods? Why do you think the sailors worshipped Jonah’s God?
God makes us mark time while awaiting His will God caused a big fish to swallow Jonah Unlikely Assume “my life is over” God can use any avenue to make His will come about Leave with these questions: “What unlikely event has happened in your life that caused you to put your life on hold?” “After the time of pause, did you see God more clearly?”