POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED As we look back at last week’s lesson, we saw that the people gathered in the upper room were filled with the Holy Spirit Luke also tells us that Peter, filled with the Spirit, preached a very powerful message
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Peter’s Message God sent Jesus to Mankind Many in the crowd had put Jesus to death Jesus did not stay dead – He rose from the grave Jesus is now seated at the right hand of God to rule and reign
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Peter’s Message The people were convicted, and asked “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter’s reply was wildly simple and direct – so undeserved
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Peter’s Message “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38) We are then told that as a result, 3,000 souls were added that day
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED What a mountaintop experience Peter was already filled with the Holy Spirit, but imagine the impact of 3,000 souls coming to Christ had on Peter and all the disciples Think Peter was ready to preach some more?
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Lesson 5 Luke then moves us to Acts 3 He indicates that Peter and John were going to the temple – at the hour of prayer
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Lesson 5 We do not have an exact timeline, but if Acts 3 happened shortly after Pentecost, Peter may have been so excited that he was going back to the Temple to find more people to preach to He may very well have been on his way to the Temple to do “church stuff”
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Lesson 5 But then, he get interrupted by a cripple who is looking for a handout It might seem like the cripple is an interference in Peter’s plans, because Peter was not looking for a cripple to heal that day He was on his way to “church”
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Illustration of a Florida Church
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Perhaps Peter was on his way to do “church stuff” Perhaps the cripple was a distraction But, the difference was this – unlike the worshippers in the Florida church – Peter stopped
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED He did not hurry past this man He was not bothered as others were by the cripple’s plea for alms He was not repelled by this cripple
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Peter then reached out and healed the cripple Many of us would then say that, well, Peter was an apostle and he had that power, but I can not do that There must not be much for me to learn in Acts 3
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED But, you and I would be wrong if we felt that way Notice what Peter says: “I have not silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you.” (Acts 3:6)
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED But, you and I would be wrong Notice what Peter says: “I have not silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you.” (Acts 3:6) “What I have…I give to you”
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Consider this We are followers of Jesus Christ We are called to do Church, like Jesus did Church There are Church-people who think that doing “Church” is what we do in the building If we sing some songs, pray some prayers, take some communion, and listen to a sermon, we have done our religious thing for the week We have done Church
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Consider this Now, Jesus did worship regularly at the synagogue, but Jesus did “Church” all through the week He did it by reaching out to people whom others would not touch He ate with tax collectors and sinners
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Consider this He spent time reaching out to prostitutes and outcasts He put mud on the eyes of the blind And, He reached out and physically touched the bodies of lepers…something no one else would do
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Jesus did Church the way we should do Church
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Church is when you show that you CARE for someone
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED God worked mightily through Peter and John, two guys who were on there way to a prayer meeting I believe God wants to do something through you and me, if we develop certain habits Acts 3 tells us of 5 habits we should develop for God to do something through us
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits Be open to God’s direction as you go about your day (Acts 3:1) Think about a couple of guys on their way to a prayer meeting God uses them for a great miracle
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits Be open to God’s direction as you go about your day (Acts 3:1) Jesus told us to “Go and make disciples…” Scholars tell us that the Greek properly interpreted would say: “While you are going, make disciples…”
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits Be open to God’s direction as you go about your day (Acts 3:1) Somewhere there is a person God wants you to meet That cashier at Wal-Mart might need to be encouraged and invited to church That guy who changes the oil in your car might need to know what God has done in your life
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits Be open to God’s direction as you go about your day (Acts 3:1) Somewhere there is a person God wants you to meet That one whose marriage is on the rocks might need your prayers to turn it around That family down the street who lost a family member might need a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits Be open to God’s direction as you go about your day (Acts 3:1) Do not discount the little things God does to work miracles through your life every day if you are open to Him as you go about your day
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits See the needs around you (Acts 3:2-5) Stay tuned to the needs that exist all around you It is not hard to hear and see if you are tuned in The sigh of a discouraged friend The person who lashes out at everything (Hurting people hurt people?) The one who is a little quiet today
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits See the needs around you (Acts 3:2-5) Stay tuned to the needs that exist all around you It is not hard to hear and see if you are tuned in That family member who is going through something not too many people know about That person in church who makes a prayer request
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits See the needs around you (Acts 3:2-5) You can look around and see hurts and needs, if you will stay tuned Jesus did that – we are told that when He saw needs, He was moved with compassion for them, a feeling of love and pity
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits See the needs around you (Acts 3:2-5) When he saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. (Matthew 9:36) When Jesus went out He saw a great multitude, and He was moved with compassion for them and healed the sick. (Matthew 14:14)
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits See the needs around you (Acts 3:2-5) Jesus, moved with compassion, stretched out His hand and touched him, and said, “I am willing, be cleansed.” (Mark 1:41) We are called to be like Jesus, and that means feeling like He felt, and acting like He acted
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits Meet them with God’s love and power (Acts 3:6-8) Think of what Peter could have said “I am sorry, but I do not have any silver or gold – sorry man. Have a great day. God bless.”
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits Meet them with God’s love and power (Acts 3:6-8) Think of what Peter could have said “I am sorry, but I do not have any silver or gold – sorry man. Have a great day. God bless.” Instead, Peter said, “I have no silver or gold, but what I do have I give to you.” (Acts 3:6)
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits Meet them with God’s love and power (Acts 3:6-8) It is a great temptation to think that we do not have anything to offer WHEN I win the lottery, I will help someone WHEN I have the President’s influence, I will help someone WHEN I have studied the Bible for a few more years, I will start offering people its answers
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits Meet them with God’s love and power (Acts 3:6-8) It is a great temptation to think that we do not have anything to offer WHEN I have walked with God for a few more years, I will tell people He can change their lives WHEN I have my own life in order, I will reach out to others
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits Meet them with God’s love and power (Acts 3:6-8) God calls us to give WHAT WE HAVE This is not what we will have someday He has work for you and me RIGHT NOW
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits Give the glory to God (Acts 3:9-12) Many people say it is not a common thing to meet needs of others today – people are too busy with their lives However, when you do help someone, you will have plenty of instances where someone will give you praise
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits Give the glory to God (Acts 3:9-12) Saying a polite “Thank you” is fine, but they need to know ultimately who gets the credit
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits Give the glory to God (Acts 3:9-12) Saying a polite “Thank you” is fine, but they need to know ultimately who gets the credit Illustration of Young Man Starting a Restaurant
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits Give the glory to God (Acts 3:9-12) When we contemplate the things we will do each day, we need to ask: “Whose glory am I living for?
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits Give the glory to God (Acts 3:9-12) When we contemplate the things we will do each day, we need to ask: “Whose glory am I living for? Give the glory to God
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits See meeting needs as opportunities to tell people the truth (Acts 3:13-26) Often, meeting a need in someone’s life will give you the chance to tell them and others what they need to hear If Peter had just started preaching, he would not have had nearly the success
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits See meeting needs as opportunities to tell people the truth (Acts 3:13-26) God gave Peter the ability to meet the cripple’s need, but he did not stop there He went on to tell all the ultimate need of their heart – forgiveness
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits See meeting needs as opportunities to tell people the truth (Acts 3:13-26) The ultimate need of the cripple was not to be healed and to be able to walk again His ultimate need, and that of many others that day, was to hear
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits See meeting needs as opportunities to tell people the truth (Acts 3:13-26) They need to hear They had murdered Jesus (Acts 3:14-15) They needed to have a change of mind and behavior (Acts 3:19)
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Habits See meeting needs as opportunities to tell people the truth (Acts 3:13-26) Keep your eyes open, because when you comfort a friend, minister to a single mother, reach out to a hurting family, you will have a chance to tell them what they need to hear God has something better for them than how they have been living
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Acts 3 presents 5 habits we should develop to show that we care for others Be open to God’s direction as you go about your day See the needs around you Meet them with God’s love and power Give the glory to God See meeting needs as opportunities to tell people the truth
POWER IN WORD AND IN DEED Will you develop these habits in your daily life?