The Age of Enlightenment Modern World History The Age of Enlightenment
The Age of Enlightenment The Scientific Revolution
New Science vs Old Science New scientific theories were based off of observation and experimentation. Old scientific theories were based off of assumption and religion.
The Scientific Revolution Revolution = Change New ways of thinking about the natural world occurred. Heliocentric world replaces Geocentric. Sun Centered replaces Earth Centered Proven by Galileo 3. Look at word parts (Helio, Geo, and Centric). What might each mean?
NEVER!!!!!! This Heliocentric theory goes against everything the Church stands for. I demand you renounce your findings! Galileo
Well, when you put it that way… ok Well, when you put it that way… ok. You didn’t have to be so mean about it. Do it or we will kill you. Galileo
The Age of Enlightenment Enlightenment Politics
The Enlightenment The Enlightenment – An intellectual movement that stressed reason and thought to solve problems.
Early Political Theories Political theories began as ideas about human nature. Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Locke They believed human nature dictated how governments should rule.
Machiavelli In 1513, Machiavelli wrote that “the end justifies the means.” This meant that as long as the monarch got what they wanted, it did not matter what they did to get it done.
Machiavelli Many leaders followed Machiavelli’s ideas leading into the Enlightenment.
Thomas Hobbes Believed humans were naturally selfish and wicked. People work in their own self-interest. People need governments
Thomas Hobbes Hobbes was a cynical person. Cynical – Expressing skepticism or negativity. Social Contract – The people give absolute power to the government in order to keep the people under control.
John Locke Believed people are born free and equal with natural rights. Life, Liberty, and Property
John Locke Felt as though the people should govern themselves. Purpose of government is to protect the rights of the people
Voltaire Wrote about freedom of speech and religion. Believed the people should be guaranteed freedoms. “I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
Montesquieu Believed in a separation of powers in order to keep one person from gaining too much control. “Power should be a check to power.”
Rousseau Stressed laws should govern the people, not monarchs. Governments were to be guided by the will of the people.
Rousseau A new social contract People give up small parts of their freedom so that the government can act for the good of the governed.
Mary Wollstonecraft Argued for women’s rights. Believed in equal education for women.
Cesare Beccaria Opposed torture and other cruel punishments. Believed laws were meant to preserve social order, not punish criminals.