Central Themes of Liberalism Freedom -For early liberals liberty was a natural right as opportunity to pursue individuals’ own interests. -Later, liberty were seen as as the only condition to develop skills talents and fulfill people’s potential. - No absolute freedom!
Negatif liberty: Free from interference Positive Liberty: Ability to be one’s own master, to be autonomous Reason Human beings are rational creatures, anti-paternalism. Progress Free from the past and the tradition The importance of education Optimism about the human nature Power of self interest and egoism
Central Themes Of Liberalism Justice Social justice: Distrubiton of material rewards and benefits in society: .wages, profits, housing, medical care, welfare benetfits and so on.. Liberal belief: Human beings are born equal, natural rights Formal equality No any privileges on the basis of gender, race, colour, creed, religion, social backround etc.(Formal equality) Legal equality: Equality before the law Political equality: one person, one vote, one vote, one values Equal opportunity
Central themes of Liberalism Toleration and Diversity Will to accept moral, cultural and political diversity Public-private distinction and respect for the private Contest, debate and argument as the fruit of diversity or multiplicity and the motor of social progress. Natural equilibrum Principle of balance
Liberalism, Government and Democracy The Liberal State Freedom only exist under the law: Social contract theories of Hobbes, Locke The state is created by individuals and for individuals It exist to serve individuals’ needs and interests. Government arises out of the consent of the governed. When the legitimacy of the government gone, the people have the right of rebellion. The state as neutrall referee in society.
Liberalism, Government and Democracy Constitutional Government All governments have potential to tyranny. Government can be limited through the establishment of constitutional constratints A constitution: A set of rules that seek toallocate duties, powers and functions amongst the various institutions of government. The power of government bodies and politicians can be limited by external legal constraints Introduction of internal constraints to disperse power among a number of political institutions, a network of “checks and balances”. Separation of powers
Liberalism, Government and Democracy Rule by the people