ESS 211 My story of living on 50 litres of water per day What am I doing with my 50 litre of water per day? This equals 350 litres of water per can I show how well I am doing using Information graphics for a week and taking videos of my methods to keep with my water ration? By preparing a short Video for YouTube I will show how I am keeping to the current Cape Town Water Use Targets? Please watch this video “Could you survive on just 50 litres of water a day?” You will make your own reflections video of living for one week and using 350 litres of water (50 litres per day). Another video which is too much like a lecture (avoid this style of video as it is a bit boring)
Water Demand Management Historically Water has been Supply Managed so if there is a need for more water then more Dams were build. Cape Town specifically has not looked at augmented supply of water and re-use of water. Cape Town was slow to implement reduced Water Demand Management (Restrictions) Will this event change Cape Town’s resident’s dialogue with water?
City of Cape Town Information graphic Is this effective as an Information Graphic? Is the water budget feasible? Is the budget optimal? Another Break Down is 90-Second Shower One Toilet Flush Two-litres of drinking water Four litres for cooking 18 litres for cleaning (dishes household, clothes) Be creative in how you will graphically represent your water budgets. From your observations and discussions develop your own water budget
Information Graphics Information Graphics make complex information easily understood. Information. Information Graphics should be playful and engaging. Make use of Icons and even make your own Icons and graphics using Power Point or Paint. Use your Smart Phone to take photos to illustrate your patterns of water usage. Use tools from this website to create Information Graphics.
Your Video should be... Due Date 6 April 2018 Short (less than 4 minutes). Attention grabbing. Clever photographs. Good and clear images/icons. Be creative (can even bit a bit cheeky). Be highly original. Attention grabbing! Due Due Date 6 April 2018 Hand on CD or submit on identified folder on a Lab PC with completed Rubric.
Making Videos Have a look at short videos on YouTube e.g. “Save like a local” Produced by Nik Rabinowitz – it is on YouTube Flow #forloveofwater Another film is “Saving Water with the Sampsons” Plan you video using a storyboard and get friends to act out scenes with you. You must ensure all photos and graphics are original so it can be uploaded to YouTube. Music if used must be licensed for re-use under a creative commons licensing agreement. See Avoid making it into a LECTURE – the idea is to be informative and to reflect your own circumstances – share solutions by people is one of the most effective ways.
What goes into your Video It needs to reflect through photos and Information Graphics a week’s use of water that shows that you used creative ways to keep to the 50 litre per day personal water use restriction imposed by the City of Cape Town. Try to be as original and humorous as possible but also constructive – this video should be up beat and helpful (you don’t need to analyse the reasons or get into the politics of the crisis). This is a reflective exercise so by definition it has to be individual work – you can discuss ideas among your class mates and even engage them in acting roles. Be prepared to share this with your family and even involve your family in the debate, preparation and production of the video. Your video should be designed to get a good number of YouTube subscriptions.
How to make videos Use your smart phone to film scenes. If you have access to a Selfie stick or tripod you should use those or get a friend or family member to take the videos. Use the back camera as it is better quality than the front camera. Lighting is important and ensure it strikes you face or objects. Avoid shooting into bright lights Just use the microphone in your phone but keep it quite close. Alternative do a voice over recording your voice separately and then adding to the film as a channel. Use a Video Editor on your phone like Kinemaster here is a a quick tutorial Learn to actually shoot scenes with your camera see Tutorial 1: Mobile Filmmaking.....1 Min With Me Think about doing time lapse / hyperlapse photography and Adding graphics and images to your films to make it more interesting Make sure you have a short but powerful Introduction graphic – see this video to show how to make your own Introduction
Water Video Rubric Due Date 6 April 2018 Student Number _________ Student Name ________ __________ Due Date 6 April 2018