Jasper County School District Board of Trustees 2017-2018 Budget Work Session #2 March 23, 2017
Agenda Anticipated Revenues and Expenditures Non Personnel Budget Information Personnel Budget Info Classified Salary Schedules Teacher Step Increases Student Enrollment Projections 2017-2018 Budget Discussions Next Meeting – April 27, 2017 (1st Reading)
K-12 Funding (House bill 3720) Education Finance Act (EFA) funding increased by $33 million to raise student base cost to $2,400 $36 million for school districts to cover the 1% of the required 2% increase in employer contribution for the state’s retirement system (SCRS) $25.4 million to cover health insurance premium
K-12 Funding (House bill 3720) $100 million to Education Improvement Act (EIA) funds to the Abbeville districts, or districts with 80% or higher poverty index, to upgrade the instructional facilities to include health and safety upgrades, career and technology education programs and deferred maintenance needs $9 million for the Teacher Recruitment and Retention program for Abbeville districts and districts with a poverty index of 80% or higher
Projected Revenue FY 17/18 Revenues 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 VARIANCE FROM Revenue by Source FINAL PROPOSED Local (2017-2018): Ad Valorem (164 m @ $84,200/m) $ 13,694,000 $ 13,808,800 $ - 2017-2018 Millage Cap @ 3.10% - 421,000 Total Local Revenue $ 14,229,800 $ 421,000 State (2017-2018): EFA $ 4,801,778 $ 4,906,466 $ 5,843,765 $ 937,299 Tier I 1,281,738 (1,281,738) Tier II Tier III Homestead Exemption Reimb 2,500,000 Student Health & Fitness 22,221 21,740 24,719 2,979 Bus Driver Salary & Fringe 198,133 376,904 554,039 177,135 Medicaid reimbursement 20,000 Reading Coaches 125,460 General Fund Fringe 2,553,584 2,588,562 2,527,944 (60,618) Aid To Districts/Other 94,128 55,200 Total State Revenue $ 11,471,582 $ 11,820,870 $ 11,651,127 $ (169,743) Transfers (2017-2018): Indirect Costs $ 117,000 $ 117,000 Transfers from EIA E-Rate 275,320 145,000 Charter School Lease 124,992 134,988 144,036 9,048 Fund Balance Appropriation 457,380 Food Service Fringe 35,836 Total Transfers $ 1,010,528 $ 432,824 $ 441,872 $ 9,048 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE $ 26,176,110 $ 26,062,494 $ 26,322,799 $ 260,305
Non - Personnel Expenditures
Non - Personnel Expenditures
South Carolina Department of Education General Class Size Guidelines Elementary Schools Kindergarten through third grades: 30 Fourth and fifth grades (English/Math): 30 Fourth and fifth grades (all other subjects): 35 Middle Schools Sixth grade (English/Math): 30 Sixth (all other subjects), seventh, and eighth grades: 35 High Schools All grades: 35
PROJECTED ENROLLMENT FY 2017-2018 Estimated Forward Method (97%) PK K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total HES 100 87 86 108 94 77 76 628 RES 119 131 144 149 107 826 HRMS 187 189 168 544 RHHS 182 200 198 136 716 163 206 239 238 226 2713
2017-2018 Teacher Staffing Projections (HES) 2017 - 2018 TEACHING STAFF PROJECTIONS HES PK K 1 2 3 4 5 Total Projected Enrollment 100 87 86 108 94 77 76 628 GOF Teachers 6 28 Other Teachers 7 GOF Class Size - 15 14 27 24 19 17 Proj. Class Size 22 18
2017-2018 Teacher Staffing Projections (RES) 2017 - 2018 TEACHING STAFF PROJECTIONS RES PK K 1 2 3 4 5 Total Projected Enrollment 100 76 119 131 144 149 107 826 GOF Teachers 7 6 40 Other Teachers GOF Class Size N/A 11 17 19 21 25 18 Proj. Class Size 20
2017-2018 Teacher Staffing Projections (HRMS) 2017 - 2018 TEACHING STAFF PROJECTIONS HRMS 6 7 8 Total Projected Enrollment 187 189 168 544 GOF Teachers 5 16 Other Teachers - GOF Class Size 30 35 33 Proj. Class Size
2017-2018 Teacher Staffing Projections (RHHS) 2017 - 2018 TEACHING STAFF PROJECTIONS RHHS 9 10 11 12 Total Projected Enrollment 182 200 198 136 716 GOF Teachers 5 6 4 20 Other Teachers GOF Class Size 35 Proj. Class Size
Salaries Classified and Administrative salary schedules are complete. As mandated by the SCDE, teachers will receive a step increase. Also, a 23rd year has been added to the certified salary scale as a part of that mandate.
Future Budget Meetings April 5, 2017 – Principal/Staff budget meeting April 27, 2017 – Budget Workshop #3 (1st Reading) May 15, 2017 – Presentation of FY 17/18 budget to Jasper County Council – 4 pm May 17, 2017 – Budget Workshop #4 (2nd Reading) June 12, 2017 – Board Meeting (3rd and Final Reading)
2017 – 2018 Budget Discussion Questions?