Shakespearean Tragedy


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Presentation transcript:

Shakespearean Tragedy By: Max, Elijah, and neshanti

Renaissance Drama During the middle ages, English drama mainly focused on teaching moral lessons or retelling bible stories First in England’s universities and among graduates of those universities, plays fell into main categories, comedies, and tragedies.

The Greek Origins of Tragedy According to Aristotle, tragedy aroused pity and fear in the audience. Pity for the hero and fear for all human beings. In the western tradition, both comedies and tragedies arose in ancient Greece In ancient Greece tragedies, the heroes’ tragic flaw was often hubris an excessive pride that led a tragic hero to challenge the gods.

Characteristics of Tragedy Shakespear eased the intensity of the action by using a device called comic relief the following of a serious scene with a lighter funny one The main character called the tragic hero comes to an unhappy ending The tragic hero exhibits extraordinary abilities but also a tragic flow The person who fights the hero is called the antagonist A serious of casually related events can lead to an inevitable catastrophe