Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak Health (January)
Jan. 4 (Mon) Goal: Objective: SWBAT Students will demonstrate the ability to access health information & health promoting products & services Objective: SWBAT Take notes on the video and turn in their journal Definitions: Drug Misuse – unintentional improper use of a drug Journal : NONE P/R/S: (S) scope – instrument used to measure Class work: View Movie Homework: Research Project – Assignment #8 Visual Aid due Wednesday, Jan. 6 Jan. 4 (Mon)
Message from Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak I am out ill. I have a virus and do not want to get any of you sick. I will be out today and have a doctor’s appt. Wed. I am going to allow you to use the computers to: Do you research for you visual aid – Due Thur. Get caught up on defns, P/R/S, journal (collected soon for the last time). Study for your re-test on Nutrition – if needed See next slide Jan. 5 (Tues)
Message from Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak – cont. If for any reason any class gives the substitute a hard time, the sub. has my permission to open the 4-drawer, beige file cabinet and to pull out any worksheet from Chapters 2, 3 or 6. The books on tucked in on the bottom shelf of the built in bookcase by the door. You choose – USE YOU TIME WISELY Do NOT have your name left behind for being bad. No EXCUSES visual aids (#8) are due Thursday, upon my return.
Message from Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak – cont. One person from each table is responsible to making sure that: Correct computer #s are at each table Plugs are all in the computers Computers are lined up in the same directions No computer is missing keys. Leave you name with the sub so I can do something nice for you. This is assuming you have done your job. !!Thank you Please do not make my return one in which I have to yell at anyone
Message from Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak – cont. I received an email from Mrs. Vermiglio which stated: If you have a hoody on you must remove it You will take your hoody to your locker during the next passing time. Failure to keep the hoody off is a WRITE-UP CURSING/PROFANITY is class is not allowed Once may be a mistake– anything after that is a write up (in all honesty any cursing is a write up) Don’t push your luck.
Jan. 5 (Tues) Goal: Objective: SWBAT NONE Students will demonstrate the ability to access health information & health promoting products & services Objective: SWBAT Work on research project or complete defns, P/R/S or study for Nutrition test re-take Definitions: Drug – a substance that causes a physical or emotional change in a person. Journal : NONE P/R/S: (R) Nacr(ot) benumbs Class work: HW #8, defn, P/R/S or Nutrition test re-take Homework: Research Project – Assignment #8 Visual Aid due Thursday, Jan. 7 Jan. 5 (Tues)
Jan. 6 (Wed) Goal: Objective: SWBAT NONE Students will demonstrate the ability to access health information & health promoting products & services Objective: SWBAT Work on research project or complete defns, P/R/S or study for Nutrition test re-take Definitions: Illegal Drug: A drug whose production or use is prohibited or strictly controlled via prescription Journal : NONE P/R/S: (P) endo- (within) Class work: HW #8, defn, P/R/S or Nutrition test re-take Homework: Research Project – Assignment #8 Visual Aid due Thursday, Jan. 7 Jan. 6 (Wed)
NONE Jan. 7 (Thur) Goal: Objective: SWBAT Students will demonstrate the ability to access health information & health promoting products & services Objective: SWBAT Investigate a drug Definitions: Classification – look up the definition on the computer Journal : NONE P/R/S: (P) contra- (opposite) Class work: Drug Assignment Homework: Presentations Jan. 7 (Thur)
Jan. 7 (Thur) Goal: Objective: SWBAT NONE Students will demonstrate the ability to access health information & health promoting products & services Objective: SWBAT Investigate a risky behavior Definitions: Risky Behaviors: are those that potentially expose people to harm, or significant risk of harm which will prevent them reaching their potential.(Repeat) Journal : NONE P/R/S: (R) hem (Blood) Class work: Risky Behavior Assignment Homework: Presentations Jan. 7 (Thur)