Unit 10: Day 1 1. The dreary winter weather was enough to put anyone in a _____ mood. 2. By creating a ______ for Iceland, the Norse natives were able to deter others from coming to their beautiful green island. 3. The Roman army was in the forefront of the Empire. 4. Compose a sentence starting it with the word PROFESSING
Unit 10: Day 2 1. The girl was very ______ making it difficult to get a word in the conversation. 2. Many companies attempt to ____ customers through their doors with advertisements. 3. The squanderer had trouble paying his rent every month. 4. Compose a sentence using the word COVETING
Unit 10: Day 3 1. When choosing their class president, the students chose the best _____ for the job. 2. The secretary arranged a second meeting after the first one became _______. 3. The resonant sound of the drums echoed through the auditorium. 4. Copy the sent & complete with a vocab. term. Underline the gerund phrase and identify how it is being used. Her best talent, singing A capella, was enough to ________ anyone into the auditorium.
Unit 10: Day 4 1. Looking everywhere, the boy checked his ______ backpack one more time for his missing assignment. 2. The students were hoping for a snow day so they could have a chance for _____. 3. The nonchalant attitude of the saleswoman made her a joy with which to work. 4. Copy the sent & complete with a vocab. term. Underline the gerund phrase and identify how it is being used. If you travel through the ____ path to the babbling brook, you may see deer drinking at the pool.
Unit 10: Day 5 1. We walked through the woods, following the _____ path that overtook us with its beauty. 2. The nurse was reluctant to ____ to the pleas of the sick child who had faked being ill twice before that week. 3. The closet was so unkempt that when someone opened the door, it was hard to avoid an avalanche. 4. Copy the sent & complete with a vocab. term. Underline the gerund phrase and identify how it is being used. Only a few people enjoy straightening _____ lampshades.
Unit 10: Day 6 1. When we referred to the rotund man as "Slim", it was truly a __________. 2. When something bad happens to a miserable people, some people believe it is divine ________ or fate getting back at them. 3. The defense of the winning team was truly invincible; they held off several attempted runs. 4. Copy the sent. & complete w/vocab. word. Underline gerund phrase & identify how it is acting: The __________ man tried cheering himself with a funny movie.
Unit 10: Day 7 1. After being wronged by his friends, the boy sought _____ through a practical joke. 2. Despite having been yelled at for chewing apart a pillow while its owners were gone, the dog was back to his _____ self in no time. 3. The man was so combative that no one sat next to him during board meetings anymore. 4. Copy the sent. & complete w/vocab. word. Underline gerund phrase & identify how it is acting: Running a successful business can be extremely hard if the owner's office is ________.
Unit 10: Day 8 1. There are moments when we all wish we could return to our _________ childhood selves. 2. If you put your nose to the grindstone and work hard, no obstacle will be ________________. 3. Most parents do not enjoy giving in to every demand of a whiny child. 4. Copy the sent. & complete w/vocab. word. Underline gerund phrase & identify how it is acting: His worst trait, _____________________ the possessions of others, caused him to have a reputation as a greedy person.
Unit 10: Day 9 1. Once the storm was over, the beach was in total disarray, making it a ______ situation. 2. She tried her best not to be a ______, but found it hard when cleaning the fridge out every week. 3. The DJ tried to play upbeat songs at the dance in order to entice people on to the floor. 4. Copy the sent. & complete w/vocab. word. Underline gerund phrase & identify how it is acting: As a _________ individual, my only regret is being too talkative at times.
Unit 10: Day 10 1. Trying to _______ his love, the man bought two dozen roses for Valentine's Day. 2. It was hard for the boy not to ______ the in-ground swimming pool his neighbors had. 3. The play took a brief intermission in order to allow the audience a chance to stretch. 4. Copy the sent. & complete w/vocab. word. Underline gerund phrase & identify how it is acting: We didn't mean to start a ________ by creating such a silly name.