Hutton, 1785 PROPOSED: Earth is shaped by geological forces that took place over extremely long period of time. KNOWN AS GRADUALISM Estimated Earth to be millions of years old.
Thomas Malthus, 1798 Essay on the Principle of Population Predicted that human population will grow faster than the space and food supplies needed to sustain it
Jean – Baptiste Lamarck, 1809 Hypothesis: Inheritance of acquired traits As any part of the body is used, it develops and enlarges. If it is not used, it weakens and becomes smaller. The organism would then pass these changes to its offspring.
Lamarck, 1809 ALL organisms have innate tendency toward complexity and perfection Ex: birds – use wings, over time they got bigger and better Use and disuse Inheritance of acquired traits – pass on trait to offspring Ex: If you have big muscles now, you will give that to your offspring (is this right?)
Charles Lyell, 1833 Principles of Geology Explain the past through actual observations of geological features Ex: volcanoes ( past and present )
The Origin of Species Written November 24, 1859 Foundation of evolutionary biology Collection of evidence What might modern scientists learn today from Darwin’s collection of evidence?