Using Songs and Chants – Use Songs and Chants for Classroom Management
Do you ever start your class with a song or chant Do you ever start your class with a song or chant? Share an example with the group. Group Discussion Preview Discuss this question with the whole group. Then call on two or three participants to share an example of a song or chant they use to start a class.
Video Stop at these two points and give participants an opportunity to chant along with the host. 09:34–09:53 English is Fun Chant Stand up to do the cheering and clapping. On the last line “Yaaaay” bend down and start the hand movement from your ankles. It should get louder and louder as participants shake their hands and stand up gradually. The end should be a loud cheer “English” as they jump up with their hands extended above their heads. 10:28–10:35 You Were Awesome Chant Participants can sit in their seats to do the end of the day chant. Do the chant once to practice it. Now do the chant again, but look at your partner and say it to them. It helps build a sense of community and gives you a chance to use the language in an authentic way.
What are three benefits to starting and ending class with a song or chant? 1. 2. 3. Review 1 Possible answers: • Helps students know what is happening in class • Helps students use real language in class • Starts or ends class in a positive way • Gets students excited to start class • Motivates young learners Give participants a helpful tip about using new classroom management songs and chants. Just be sure that your students have mastered one chant first and then introduce a new one to keep your class fresh and fun.
How can songs and chants be a useful technique for classroom management? Give at least three ways. 1. 2. 3. Review 2 Possible answers: • To build routines in class • To mark the start or end of class • To practice real language in class