The new EU type-approval framework for motor vehicles European Economic and Social Committee Consumers and Environment Category Restoring Confidence in Vehicle Type-Approval Testing 7 June 2016
What is vehicle Type-Approval? Vehicle test carried out under the auspices of an inspector of the Technical Service Test report issued sent to Type-Approval Authority Type-Approval Authority issues Certificate Certificates are the gateway to EU market
What is all inspected and tested? General Vehicle Construction requirements Manufacturer's Vehicle Documentation Numerous Vehicle Safety aspects Vehicle environmental aspects
Vehicle Type-Approval Framework EU Vehicle Type-Approval procedure Whole Vehicle Type-Approval (WVTA) Final step in the approval process Check if all mandatory steps are OK Overarching Legal Framework In need of complete overhaul
Type-Approval Overhaul Objectives Strengthening Market Surveillance of cars Improvement of Type-Approval Procedures Improving the Type-Approval System Closing loop-holes and back-doors
Strengthening Market Surveillance Based on existing Market Surveillance Framework Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 New interactions between type-approval authorities and market surveillance authorities in the Member States Traceability and clarification of the responsibilities of the economic actors EU safeguard clauses
Improvement of Type-Approval Procedures Independence: Stricter requirements for the designation of Technical Services and Type-Approval Authorities Independent financing of Technical Services, Type- Approval and Market Surveillance Activities Peer review: Possibility to refuse a non-compliant product/approval Common assessment of Technical Service + possibility to refuse the designation of a Technical Service
Improving the Type-Approval System More EU governance: Possibility for the Commission to carry out market surveillance activities EU enforcement forum to discuss compliance problems EU safeguard clause (avoiding market protectionism) EU wide recalls Sanctions up to € 30,000 per sold car at the EU level
Closing loop-holes and back-doors Limitation of Type-Approval Validity to 5 years before expiry Clarity on access to software of vehicles More transparency in Type-Approval Data for third party testing Broad transparant review and reporting obligations of Member States
And a few other refinements Strengthening the requirements for marketing of components on the EU aftermarket Proposal to expand the EU small series to other categories EU wide harmonised Individual Approval Simplification of the end-of-series procedure: valid throughout the EU
Thank you for your attention Commission Proposal Explained © Commission Proposal Explained Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Automotive and Mobility Industries Unit
For further information : Questions? For further information : Legal text: Impact assessment: Press release and FAQ: DG GROW Unit C.4 website: