Kindergarten Homework Week of: Nov. 5th Name: _____________ Daily Homework Review Power Words Know by sight Color Words: red, blue, yellow, green, orange, purple, pink, gray, white, black, brown Number Words: Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight Additional Words: a, I, the, you, me, my, am, at, it, and, see, like, look, to, go, she, he, we, for Letters: Recognition, sound, handwriting m, a, t, d, o, c, g, i, n, h, s, f, v, z, p, e, b, l, r, u, w CVC Words: did, had, him, get, can, not, Numbers: ( 0 – 10) Recognition, one to one correspondence, handwriting Shapes: Circle, Square, Triangle, Rectangle, oval, star, heart, sphere, cube, cone, cylinder, Practice reading your words on the left each night. Flash cards are a great way. You may also want to make letter cards and have your child build words with the letter cards. Kids may start to build a sentence with their cards. Ex. I see a dog Read every day! Monday -letter-r –trace and color objects that begin with the /r/ sound -trace the shapes Tuesday -review words, letters Wednesday -letter-u –trace and color objects that begin with the /u/ sound -color the shapes Thursday --letter-w–trace and color objects that begin with the /w/ sound Friday -Have a great weekend! © Haley O’Connor 2016