Testing and assessment 2017-2018
GMAS EOG Milestones State Assessment Standardized Test
The purpose of Georgia Milestones Provide information on how well students are mastering the GA Standards of Excellence Inform efforts to improve student achievement Provide students and parents information regarding preparedness for the next grade level Measure student growth from one year to the next
Georgia milestones Elementary: End of Grade 3-5 Language Arts (3-5) Mathematics (3-5) Science (5 only) Social Studies (5 only)
Instructional shifts: GA Standards of excellence ELA Complex text and increased academic language Content rich non-fiction Evidence-based text Math Greater focus on fewer topics Increased RIGOR-conceptual understanding Coherence- learning across the curriculum
Assessment shifts: Georgia milestones assessment Alignment with Georgia Standards of Excellence- Designed to encourage critical thinking, analytical writing and real-world problem solving Fewer multiple choice questions- Increase in short- answers (constructed response) and extended responses that require students to demonstrate a deeper understanding of key concepts through writing
administration 3rd Grade- Paper and Pencil 4th and 5th- Online
Grade 3 content weights Content Area Domain Approx. Percent of Test ELA Reading and Vocabulary 53% Writing and Language 47% Math Operations and Algebraic Thinking 25% Number and Operations 35% Measurement and Data 30% Geometry 10%
Grade 4 content weights Content Area Domain Approx. Percent of Test ELA Reading and Vocabulary 53% Writing and Language 47% Math Operations and Algebraic Thinking 20% Number and Operations in Base 10 Number and Operations- Fractions 30% Measurement and Data Geometry 10%
Grade 5 content weights Content Area Domain Approx. Percent of Test ELA Reading and Vocabulary 53% Writing and Language 47% Math Operations and Algebraic Thinking 10% Number and Operations in Base 10 25% Number and Operations- Fractions 30% Measurement and Data 20% Geometry 15%
Grade 5 Content weights (cont’d) Content Area Domain Approx. Percent of Test Science Earth Science 23% Physical Science 45% Life Science 42% Social Studies History 58% Geography 12% Government/Civics 15% Economics
Levels of performance Beginning Learners (level 1) do not yet demonstrate proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this grade level/course of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students need substantial academic support to be prepared for the next grade level or course and to be on track for college and career readiness. Developing Learners (level 2) demonstrate partial proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this grade level/course of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students need additional academic support to ensure success in the next grade level or course and to be on track for college and career readiness. Proficient Learners (level 3) demonstrate proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this grade level/course of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students are prepared for the next grade level or course and are on track for college and career readiness. Distinguished Learners (level 4) demonstrate advanced proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this grade level/course of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students are well prepared for the next grade level or course and are well prepared for college and career readiness.
Performance scores Beginning Learner (Level 1): <475 Developing Learner (Level 2): 475-524 Proficient Learner (Level 3): >524 Distinguished Learner (Level 4): Varies on grade and content
Distinguished (Level 4): Min Scores ELA MATH SCIENCE SOCIAL STUDIES Third Grade 581 580 Fourth Grade 574 585 Fifth Grade 587 595 555
Suitable for use in promotion/retention decisions ELA 3rd & 5th Grades A reading score will be provided to assist in determining promotion status Math 5th Grade Developing (2), Proficient (3), or Distinguished (4) learners are recommended for promotion Important note: Promotion/retention decisions are based on the totality of each student’s academic performance. GMAS is not the sole factor to be considered when determining promotion/retention.
Schoolwide Instructional Strategies: RACE Strategy Writing Across All Content Areas Number Talks
Parents’ role Provide a quiet comfortable place for studying at home. Be sure your child gets plenty of sleep and eats healthy meals. Arrive on time, if not early, on testing days. Don’t schedule trips, appointments, or any other interruptions on testing days. Explain the purpose of the test and make sure he/she is not afraid or anxious. Let your child know that some items may be difficult, but it is important to attempt each one. Encourage your child to do his/her best before testing and ask him/her about his/her testing experience after testing. Remind your child to use good test-taking strategies. Parents’ role
Test Taking strategies Read directions carefully. Take your time. Don’t rush. Read the questions first to get an idea of what to look for in the text. Eliminate unlikely answers. Underline important information. Look for clues in the question and answer choices. Teach signs of anxiety and how to overcome them. Check your work. Look back in the text. Think positively and relax. Test Taking strategies
2018 Testing Schedule Tuesday, April 17 ELA Section 1 (Writing) Wednesday, April 18 Section 2 & 3 (Reading) Thursday, April 19 Math Section 1 & 2 Friday, April 20 Make-up Day Monday, April 23 Tuesday, April 24 Science Wednesday, April 25 Social Studies Thursday, April 26 Friday, April 27
Resources Parent Resource Guides, EOG Assessment Guides, EOG Study Guides, Achievement Level Descriptors, Frequently Asked Questions, Testing Schedule, Student Growth Models, and more… Bartow county Website https://www.bartow.k12.ga.us/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1014657&type=d&pREC_ID=1324140 GA Dept of Education https://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and- Assessment/Assessment/Pages/Georgia-Milestones-Assessment-System.aspx