The Rise of Prussia Jennifer Chlam
The Hohenzollern Family They ruled Brandenburg since 1417
Powerful State The Hohenzollern rulers collected taxes to form an army This gave them the power to enforce their will without the approval of the nobility Nobles who obeyed the rulers were granted the right to demand obedience from their serfs.
Social Structure Officer Corps had the highest social status Peasants and the urban class were heavily taxed The army and the Elector showed the unity of state There were different laws for the army and civilians
Frederick William I King of Prussia The army was expanded under him Grew from 39,000 to over 80,000 by 1740 Prussia’s army was the 3rd or 4th largest in Europe Compared to its ranking as 13th largest population in Europe This made Prussia a military ally He avoided wars and conflicts
Frederick William II He invaed Silesia as soon as he came to the throne This began the rivalry between Austria and Prussia over the control of Germany
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