Augustine Converts to Christianity 386 By Kurt Herrin
Basic Facts Who-Augustinus Aurelius born in 354 in Tagaste Devout Christian mother named Monica Pagan father named Patricius was a Roman official What-studied rhetoric(persuasive speech)in Carthage Reading Latin authors such as Cicero convinced him that truth is life’s supreme goal He saw Christianity as a religion for the simple-minded
Basic Facts In his teens he took a mistress who bore him a son He embraced Manichaeism but when a teacher failed to answer his questions he turned to Neoplatonism He moved from Carthage to Rome to Milan He eventually became baptized and became a bishop Where- Milan When- Easter Eve in 387 Why-He was looking for truth How-Ambrose baptized him
Saint Augustine painting by Antonio Rodríguez
Importance Wrote books like City of God, On the Trinity, and Confessions His thoughts were used by both Catholic and Protestant theologians Luther and Calvin liked his emphasis on God’s grace and quoted his constantly He believed heavily in God’s grace He thought the church was one and had no rival churches