Program Review Workshop Key topics for a successful review. April 18, 2018
Timeline of the Self-Study April – Trend data for the most recent five year period has been placed in a Blackboard Shell. August – Enrollment trend data for the most recently concluded year is added to Blackboard Shell. September 30 – Deadline for additional data requests January 15 – Draft of Self-Study due to the Dean(s) February 1 – Deans meet with Chairs to discuss revisions/clarifications March 1 – Final Self-Study Report due to the Dean(s), VPAA, and Director of Assessment.
Components of the Self-Study Report Executive Summary of Comprehensive Plan Overview and Vision Assessment Analysis and Action Plan for Future Appendices Student Data Faculty Data Resources
Overview and Vision Brief Overview Program vision, mission and objectives Relationship to the university mission, vision and strategic plan Overview of the program Undergraduate, Graduate, minors, and concentrations Internal demand of the program/department Recommendations and actions from the previous Program Review Departmental/program initiatives and significant changes since last review
Assessment Program Inputs Program Processes, Undergraduate and Graduate Program Outcomes, Undergraduate and Graduate Student
Analysis and Action Plan for the Future (Self Identified) Comparative strengths and distinctiveness, and areas of improvement across all program levels Opportunities to extend existing strengths and resources in place or needed Weaknesses found during the self-study Opportunities for addressing weaknesses Positioning of program to address future direction of the discipline in the next review timeline Action Plan for implementation for next Program Review Key objectives and strategies or actions to achieve each objective Timeline, with milestones and measurable outcomes to determine progress and measure success Method of achieving objectives Resources necessary to achieve the plan
External Evaluator Timeline and Selection February 1 – Department Chair forwards the names, addresses and CV for potential external evaluators to the Dean. February – Dean and Director of Assessment meet to choose an evaluator and notifies the Department Chair March – The Office of Institutional Research and Planning (IRP) completes the contract process and forwards the completed Self-Study Report to the external evaluator. April – The External Evaluator completes an on-site visit Before setting the site visit – make sure all parties are available! May – The External Evaluator submits a report to the IRP office. The IRP office will forward to VPAA, Dean(s), and Department Chair.
Action Plan Timeline September – the VPAA, Dean(s), Director of Assessment and the Department Chair meet to discuss Evaluator’s report. September-December – the Program/Department work on an Action Plan that encompasses the next five years. December – Action Plan due to the Dean(s), VPAA, and Director of Assessment. A copy is sent to the library for archival purposes. Final submission to library should have the final Self-Study Report, the Evaluator’s Report and the Action Plan.
Action Plan components For each implementation item, describe the following: Specific area where improvement is needed, Evidence supporting the recommended change(s), The specific person(s) responsible for implementing the change(s), The proposed timeline for implementing the change(s), The resources needed to successfully implement the change(s) (e.g. personnel, financial, facilities, equipment, etc.) and The plan to assess the change(s) after implementation.
Action Plan Table Format Specific area where improvement is needed Evidence to support the recommended change Person(s) responsible for implementing the change Timeline for implementation Resources needed Assessment Plan Item#1 Item #2 Etc.
Dean’s Support and Expectations in the Self-Study and Program Review Process Review of draft utilizing the rubric (January) Meeting with the Department Chair (February) Selects the Evaluator in consultation with the Director of Assessment (February) Meets with the Evaluator during on-site visit Meets with Chair, VPAA, and Director of Assessment after reviewing Evaluator’s report (September) Reviews the Action Report submitted by the Chair (December)
Office of Institutional Research and Planning Support Today’s workshop Blackboard created for each program Trend data loaded Will provide additional data as requested by September 30 Director of Assessment will load Graduating Student Survey data and Alumni Survey data to Blackboard during the summer OIRP handles contract and sending of report
Thank you for coming! Questions?