Welcome to Collin County Adventure Camp
5th Grade Collin County YMCA Adventure Camp October 10 – October 12 1:6 parent/student ratio 1:25 teacher/student ratio Principal and Nurse will attend
Camp Location: The Camp is located in northeast Collin County near the town of Melissa
Shelters are located at optimal teaching destinations along trails
Cabins 18 cabins are arranged around a circular drive Duplex cabins Each side two cabin groups Total per side: 12 students and 2 parents
Three balanced and delicious meals are provided daily. Inside the Dining Hall Three balanced and delicious meals are provided daily.
Lake Canoeing and Fishing
Education Building Interactive Learning
Campfire, Archery, Rock Climbing and Free Time
Team Building & Taming the Land
Curriculum TEKS based: 8-10 learning sessions Field investigations Conservation Scientific method and tools of the trade Systems, Cycles, Forces Astronomy-telescopes Adaptive characteristics of species Ecosystems and niches Inherited traits of offspring in plants and animals Characteristics of our environment Landforms-weathering and deposition of sediments Physical characteristics of the earth and moon Team Building opportunities Ropes Course Fishing Rock Climbing Canoeing
Medication Our school nurse, Shelly Nickell, will attend Adventure Camp and will be available 24 hours a day. If your child requires medication while at camp, please drop that off with the nurse ASAP.
Packing List Clothes/cap/walking shoes/light jacket Bedding/pillow/towels Toiletries (shampoo & soap) Water bottle/Sunscreen Flashlight Back or sack pack SACK LUNCH DO NOT BRING: Curling Irons/Hot Irons Alarm Clock Knives or “weapons”
Agenda-week of camp Departure Day: Bring a Sack Lunch Arrive Davis by 7:30a.m. Report to front drive to help pack luggage truck. Students report to cafeteria to find our cabin and chaperone information. Students will then report to the gym. Students will hang onto sack lunch. 7:45-8:15: Assist with luggage check in 8:15-9:00: Figure out carpooling and taking cars home 9:00: Chaperone Meeting and Orientation for first day activities 9:30: Students called to cafeteria to begin group organization. 9:30-10:00: Students work on Window Pane activity. 10:00: Load buses 10:30: Depart 11:30: Arrive at Camp, find luggage, eat lunch at picnic tables by cabins 12:30: Begin first learning session (be early, on time = you’re late) Return Day: 12:00 Depart 1:30 Arrive Davis Intermediate School 1:30-2:00 Sort luggage 2:00 Student Pick Up
Join us as we begin the adventure! Website address www.collincountyadventurecamp.org (includes pictures, contact information, maps, etc)